Speakers & Panelists


Kana Watando 渡戸香奈 

INOW Program (Kamikatsu)

 Co-founder & Director

Sil Van de Velde | シル ・ヴァンデヴェルデ 

INOW Program (Kamikatsu) Director

Dr. Jane Goodall

 Jane Goodall Institute

Panel 1 |  Moderator

Dr. Dodjie Maestrecampo | President of Mapua University 

Panel 1 |  Presenters

Dr. King- Kai Hii | Principal of Methodist Pilley Institute, Malaysia 

Panel 1 |  Presenters

Prof. Chiu, Ching-Ya | 邱靖雅 

School of Liberal Arts 

Education Dean, CJCU

Panel 1 |  Presenters

Prof. Liu, Chun-Lin | 劉俊麟 General Education Center Director, CJCU

Panel 1 |  Commentator 

Dr. Howell Ho |  Vice president 

of Trinity University of Asia, 


Panel 1 |  Commentator 

Prof. Hye Kyung Park | 朴卿 

Chairperson of School of Theology, CJCU

Panel 2 |  Moderator

Dr. Wiyatiningsih | President of Duta Wacana Christian University, Indonesia

Panel 2 |   Presenters

Dr. Kazumasa Takahashi | Assistant Professor of Hakodate University, Japan

Panel 2 |   Presenters

Prof. Huang, Chao-Hsing | 黃肇新 International Program for SustainableDevelopment (IPSD) CEO, CJCU

Panel 2Commentator 

Dr. Anna May Zerrudo | Head 

of Quality Assurance Center 

of Central Philippine University, Philippines  

Panel 2 |  Commentator 

Prof. TU, CHIA LIN  | 杜嘉玲 

Chairperson of Department of 

Applied Philosophy, CJCU

Panel 3Moderator

Prof. Suluck Pattarathammas | President, Christian University of Thailand, Thailand 

Panel 3 |  Presenters

Dr. Junichi Kobayashi | President of Nagano University, Japan 

Panel 3 |  Presenters

Prof. Hong, Jing-Li | 洪菁勵 Section Chief, International and Cross-Strait Cooperation Section, CJCU 

Panel 3 |  Commentator

Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih | Vice President of Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia 

Panel 3 |  Commentator

Prof. LAN, YU SU  | 藍月素 

Chairperson of Department of 

Translation and Interpretation 

Studies, CJCU

Parallel Roundtable Sessions |  Panelist 1

Dr. Lee Yung-Lung | 李泳龍 President of Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan

Parallel Roundtable Sessions |  Panelist 2

Dr. Dodjie Maestrecampo | President of Mapua University

Parallel Roundtable Sessions |  Panelist 3

Dr. W. Wiyatiningsih | President of Duta Wacana Christian University, Indonesia

Parallel Roundtable Sessions |  Panelist 4

Prof. Suluck Pattarathammas | President, Christian University of Thailand, Thailand    

Parallel Roundtable Sessions |  Panelist 5

Prof. LAI HSIN-CHIH | 賴信志 Dean of Office of Research and Development, CJCU

Parallel Roundtable Sessions |  Panelist 6

Dr. Li Min-Yu | 李敏瑜 Dean of Office of Global Engagement, CJCU

Parallel Roundtable Sessions |  Panelist 7

Dr. Horng Ching-Yi | 洪慶宜 Director of International Program for Sustainable Development  of Global Engagement, CJCU


 Speakers and Panelists 

Kana Watando | 渡戸香奈 

INOW Program (Kamikatsu) Co-founder & Director



Sil Van de Velde | シル ・ヴァンデヴェルデ 

INOW Program (Kamikatsu) Director



Dr. Jane Goodall

 Jane Goodall Institute



Dr. Dodjie Maestrecampo 

President of Mapua University 



Dr. King- Kai Hii 

Principal of Methodist Pilley Institute, Malaysia 



Prof. Chiu, Ching-Ya | 邱靖雅 

Dean of School of Liberal Arts Education, CJCU

Professional Field 

Panel 1: Whole Person Education


    The School of Liberal Arts Education at Chang Jung Christian University has four centers, including the General Education Center, the Language Education Center, the Chinese Language and Culture Center, and the Physical Education and National Defense Education Center. All the centers are committed to developing Whole Person Education, aiming to cultivate students into well-rounded citizens with the 3Cs; care, courage, and communication. Care is when students have to learn to be sensitive to the feelings of others and should be able to demonstrate their care about the environment and society in general. As for courage, it indicates that they have to raise enough confidence to step out of their comfort zone to different parts of the world, try new things, or practice what they believe. With courage, students can break the language barrier and fear of lifestyle changes. They can take action and gain the opportunity to experience a different world. Lastly, communication is also essential since everyone is bound together and has to learn to fit into society. Solid and practical communication skills generate a smooth interaction with others and help individuals to become good team players in their communities. 

    Especially in the General Education Center, the Whole Person Education at CJCU also corresponds to the sustainability-based goal and core value, shaping the course map in the general education courses. The operation for curriculum design would follow the core values, including devotion, love, care, and action. Devotion covers the religious and philosophical disciplines. Love ranges from history, arts, and culture. The care area touches on scientific, technological, and ecological domains. Action emphasizes self-knowledge psychology, social participation, gender issues, career planning, financial life planning, property rights regulation, and media literacy. At CJCU, with such Whole Person Education, students are expected to grow within their intellectual, spiritual, and ethical domains in the university. To make the mission carry out, we utilize a variety of activities and innovative programs to instruct students and facilitate learning to develop sustainable growth of students and the institution.    



Prof. Liu, Chun-Lin | 劉俊麟

Director of General Education Center, CJCU 

Professional Field 

Panel 1: Whole Person Education


    The School of Liberal Arts Education at Chang Jung Christian University has four centers, including the General Education Center, the Language Education Center, the Chinese Language and Culture Center, and the Physical Education and National Defense Education Center. All the centers are committed to developing Whole Person Education, aiming to cultivate students into well-rounded citizens with the 3Cs; care, courage, and communication. Care is when students have to learn to be sensitive to the feelings of others and should be able to demonstrate their care about the environment and society in general. As for courage, it indicates that they have to raise enough confidence to step out of their comfort zone to different parts of the world, try new things, or practice what they believe. With courage, students can break the language barrier and fear of lifestyle changes. They can take action and gain the opportunity to experience a different world. Lastly, communication is also essential since everyone is bound together and has to learn to fit into society. Solid and practical communication skills generate a smooth interaction with others and help individuals to become good team players in their communities. 

     Especially in the General Education Center, the Whole Person Education at CJCU also corresponds to the sustainability-based goal and core value, shaping the course map in the general education courses. The operation for curriculum design would follow the core values, including devotion, love, care, and action. Devotion covers the religious and philosophical disciplines. Love ranges from history, arts, and culture. The care area touches on scientific, technological, and ecological domains. Action emphasizes self-knowledge psychology, social participation, gender issues, career planning, financial life planning, property rights regulation, and media literacy. At CJCU, with such Whole Person Education, students are expected to grow within their intellectual, spiritual, and ethical domains in the university. To make the mission carry out, we utilize a variety of activities and innovative programs to instruct students and facilitate learning to develop sustainable growth of students and the institution.    



Dr. Howell Ho 

 Vice president of Trinity University of Asia, Philippines 


Prof. Hye Kyung Park | 朴惠卿 

Chair of School of Theology, CJCU

Professional Field 


Dr. Wiyatiningsih 

President of Duta Wacana Christian University, Indonesia


Dr. Kazumasa Takahashi 

Assistant Professor of Hakodate University, Japan


Prof. Huang, Chao-Hsing | 黃肇新 

Bachelor's Degree Program in International Program for Sustainable Development(IPSD) CEO, CJCU 

Professional Field 

Panel 2: Experience sharing of Placemaking


     University Social Responsibility (USR) was launched by Taiwan Ministry of Education(MOE) since 2017. Almost all universities jump into USR to compete for the huge amount of resources pumped in by MOE. 

      Center for Social Empowerment in Taiwan(COSET) of CJCU has been working with local governments and communities long before USR. The presentation will introduce how COSET of CJCU collaborate with local governments and communities before USR, and how it utilized the resources of USR to mobilize teachers and student to work with remote communities in mountain area communities in community economic development and school children extra curriculum activities. 

       Limitations and Reflections will also be discussed in the presentation.


Dr. Anna May Zerrudo 

 Head of Quality Assurance Center of Central 

Philippine University, Philippines  


Prof. TU, CHIA LIN  | 杜嘉玲 

Chairperson of Department of Applied Philosophy, CJCU

Professional Field 

Panel 2: Experience sharing of Placemaking


     She received PhD on philosophy at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA. At CJCU, her work has been integrated theoretical philosophy and applied philosophy to show that philosophy is also career-oriented. She has participated in USR projects for 7 years and also expand her interest on ESG. The crisis of natural environment raises her awareness and therefore, she decided to combine with community service. Till now, she has certified ISO 14064 (Greenhouse Gas Accounting) and also ISO 14067 (Carbon Footprint Product). 

She believes the crisis of climate change is an international problem which involves every one of us. She uses PBL strategy to guide students to involve in class discussion and develop their ability of problem solving.


Prof. Suluck Pattarathammas 

President, Christian University of Thailand, Thailand 


Dr. Junichi Kobayashi 

President of Nagano University, Japan


Prof. Hong, Jing-Li | 洪菁勵 

Section Chief, International and Cross-Strait Cooperation Section, CJCU

Assistant Professor of Department of Applied Philosophy, CJCU

Professional Field 

Panel 3: Strategies of International Connection


In an increasingly interconnected world, private universities are compelled to establish international connections that transcend borders and cultures. For a private university in Taiwan specializing in eco-sustainability, social responsibility, and circular economics, internationalization is not merely a matter of prestige; it is a strategic imperative. These international connections can amplify the university's impact, enhance its global reputation, and facilitate collaboration with like-minded institutions worldwide. We need to understand how to select partner schools for collaboration, ensuring that our education, research, and societal impact can mutually reinforce each other. This will transform inter-institutional cooperation into a platform for knowledge sharing, expand the application of knowledge, and extend our responsibility to the world, enabling our national citizens to evolve into global citizens. In this presentation, we will outline a set of practical strategies with clear goals and implementation steps for this private university to successfully establish and strengthen its international connections.


Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih 

Vice President of Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia


Prof. LAN, YU SU  | 藍月素 

Chairperson of Department of  Translation and Interpretation 

Studies, CJCU

Professional Field 


Dr. Lee Yung-Lung | 李泳龍 

President of Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan


Prof. LAI, HSIN-CHIH | 賴信志 

Dean of office ofResearch and Development, CJCU


Dr. Li Min-Yu | 李敏瑜 

Dean of Office of Global Engagement, CJCU 


Prof. Horng Ching-Yi | 洪慶宜 

Director of International Program for Sustainable Development, CJCU