Date | 14-15, November, 2023

Venue | Chang Jung Christian University 

(CJCU), Tainan, Taiwan

Partner School

President Forum

 Flip Here and Now: 

University as a Creation of Quality Public Space

CJCU 30 

In 2023, as the world reopens and rebuilds connections after the pandemic, it coincides with the 30th anniversary of CJCU, Chang Jung Christian University in Taiwan. As Confucius once said, "At thirty, I stood firm," it reflects the achievement of individuals when they reach the age of thirty and become the backbone of society. After thirty years of experience, a person can assume personal, family, and social responsibilities, enabling them to understand better and accommodate themselves, others, and the Environment. This description also fits CJCU, which will stand firmly at thirty. 

Last year (2022), CJCU, following its achievement in 2019, received the QS Five-Star world university rating result and was honored with the "University Sustainability Report Model Award" by a prestigious local magazine, "Global Views Monthly." Facing various educational challenges, CJCU has firmly progressed through years of self-challenge and has set its sights on its mission and international influence, highlighting the university's public value and achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with partner institutions.


The theme of the 2023 CJCU Partner School President Forum is "Sustainability," which represents the value we aim to pass down to future generations. Sustainability is not just a mere slogan; it is closely linked to our daily Environment.

 Day 1

Tue. 14, November

Keynote Session

Zero Waste ∣ Youth can help!

The theme of the 2023 CJCU Partner School President Forum is "Sustainability," which represents the value we aim to pass down to future generations. Sustainability is not just a mere slogan; it is closely linked to our daily Environment. To shed light on this critical topic, we have invited Kana Watando and Sil Van de Velde, two young directors of the INOW project from Kamikatsu, Japan, to share their project's original intention and implementation process. They will also explore the daily practices of zero waste through young people's imagination for a sustainable future. By learning from their experience, we hope to reflect on how universities that cultivate talent can contribute to the issue of sustainability. 

Parallel Presentation Sessions

Flip Here and Now: University as a Creation of Quality Public Space 

Together, we explore how to create a high-quality public space for the "university." Next, we use "place" to think about the "university" and develop four aspects to connect it with the issue of "sustainability." The four aspects are as follows:

Day 2 

Wed. 15, November

Local International session

Dream big and become a gift!

In addition to exploring sustainability from various aspects, this year's meeting also featured CJCU taking the initiative to share its efforts on environmental issues, which stemmed from the university's bold vision. Eight years ago, CJCU collaborated with Dr Jane Goodall to establish the International College of Practices and Education for the Environment. Today, we witness students showcasing their impressive accomplishments and responding to the theme of "Dream big and become a gift." 

Field Visits 

University Social Responsibility (USR)

After the meeting, two visits are scheduled to showcase collaborative placemaking initiatives between CJCU and the local community. In Taiwan, placemaking is implemented through university social responsibility (USR) programs. These guided tours will take you through two locations and introduce you to the circular economy model that CJCU and the community have co-created. The objective is to exchange creative ideas and energy related to placemaking with everyone.


In this auspicious gathering, we come together to reflect on our past achievements, share knowledge and experiences, and chart a course for a sustainable future. Let us embrace this opportunity to cultivate lasting connections, exchange ideas, and strengthen our commitment to a better, more sustainable world. 


Venue | Chang Jung Christian University 

Address | No.1,Changda Rd.,Gueiren District, Tainan City 711301, Taiwan(R.O.C.) 



May your conversations be insightful, your ideas innovative, and your partnerships strong. Here's to a successful and productive gathering.