Sharing Your Accommodation Letter

How to share your Accommodation Letter:

Step 1: Request your letter from the SAS office

Step 2: You will receive your Accommodation Letter in your CFCC email within 2 business days.

Step 3: Forward your Accommodation Letter to your instructor or print it out and hand it to them.

Step 4: (Optional): Schedule a meeting with your instructor to discuss your Accommodation Letter.

Some things to consider:

Your Accommodation Letter only lists accommodations and not disabilities. You do not need to discuss your disability with your instructor.

If you give a paper copy of your letter to your instructor, it may be best to do it in private in case they start to discuss it.

The SAS office does not disclose the need for accommodations to instructors. If you do not provide your instructor with your letter, they will not know that you need accommodations. It is important to provide your instructor with your Accommodation Letter as early in the semester as possible.

Accommodations are not retroactive. They are effective from the day you give your accommodation letter to your instructor, forward.

We encourage students to email their accommodation letters to instructors. That way instructors can get to it easily throughout the semester. You can look up your instructors email here

Example Email Template

*Make sure you change the text in red before sending to your instructor*

Email Subject: L. Skywalker Accommodation Letter


Email Body:

Hi {Instructor Name},


My name is Luke Skywalker (STUDENT ID) and I am in your {Class Name - Section} class. I am registered with CFCC's Accessibility Services office and have attached a copy of my accommodation letter. Please let me know if you have any questions about how to implement any of my accommodations.


Thanks so much,


Luke Skywalker