How do I get accommodations at CFCC?

For more information visit our website!

What kind of assistance does your office provide?

Student Accessibility Services' primary responsibility is to review disability documentation and approve accommodations based on that documentation. Some possible accommodations that may be approved include, but are not limited to the following:

SAS staff work with students who are new to the college environment, those who are in their final semester, dual enrollment students and everyone in between. Services that are approved are discussed at length with students and assistance is provided in coordinating those services.

How do I submit my documentation?

Documentation can be submitted:

I had accommodations in high school

**High School IEPs and 504s DO NOT automatically transfer colleges/universities**

An Individual Educational Plan (IEP) / 504 Plan from a K-12 school may help establish a history of accommodations. However, it is not adequate on its own to document a disability.

Differences between High School and College for Students with Disabilities

I think I have a disability, but I was never diagnosed

In order to receive accommodations at CFCC students must have a documented disability. For students needing diagnostic evaluations, SAS has compiled a list of local providers: Diagnostic Evaluation Referral List 

*This is not an exhaustive list. Students do not have to obtain diagnostic information from any specific provider to qualify for accommodations*

I didn't have accommodations in high school

You can qualify for accommodations at the college level even if you never had accommodations in high school. It is not uncommon for students to find that they need accommodations in college that they didn't in high school. 

To get started please visit our How to Get Accommodations at CFCC page.

I am a dual enrollment student with an IEP and/or 504. Do those same accommodations apply to my CFCC classes?

No. IEP and 504 accommodations do not automatically transfer to CFCC. Students wishing to receive accommodations in their dual enrollment classes at CFCC MUST register with the SAS office and obtain an accommodation letter.

I am a returning CFCC student and previously had accommodations, do I need to re-register?

Whether or not a returning student needs to re-register with SAS depends on several factors. 

My instructor is not providing me with accommodations

If you feel an instructor is not providing your approved  accommodations please contact the SAS office

*Remember it is your responsibility as the student to: