About Us


Cape Fear Community College looked at student feedback, saw the potential for growth demonstrated by other institutions of higher education like nearby UNCW, and allocated some resources to help start an esports club in the fall of 2021.

An image of four students playing video games, some wearing face masks.

Meetings for the Fall 2024 semester will be decided by a vote of club members in August. They will continue to be held on a weekly basis, both in person and simultaneously via Zoom. And outside of those we play video games on a wide variety of video game platforms, ranging from computers and virtual reality to mobile phones and game consoles.

An image of CFCC's Union Station building, on Downtown Campus.
An image of CFCC's McKeithan Center building, on North Campus.
An image of logos and video game characters each representing mobile, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, PC, and VR video games.

Get To Know Us

The faculty advisor for the club is currently Allen Cameron, and the student leadership was chosen by the club members after several meetings to help assess commitment and availability. Some members of the club are new to CFCC, some have been here a while, and some are even dual enrollment high school students who are getting involved already. All have a chance to become part of the leadership team.

Many of our members have platforms you can use to connect or see more gaming content if you'd like. Below are the club leadership and any members who wanted to share their information. Feel free to reach out to us for more information!

An image of a small, white dog on a wood floor.

Emmanuel Piperis


"Lazerquest" on Discord and Xbox

An image of a smiling woman with dark hair.

Alexyss/Lex Johnson

Communications Officer

“FallenAngel” on Discord, 

“FadedAngel22” on Twitch

“FadedAngel” on YouTube 

“DJ Eclipsedwolf” on YouTube Music

An image of a cartoon dog winking.

Geoffery Pershing


"Jaybebs" on Discord

An image of a smiling man with dark hair.

Allen Cameron 

Faculty Advisor

"DevilRayTry" on Discord, Xbox, Steam, etc.

Club Officers Emeritus

First Name & Positions Held








(President, V.P.)




(President, V.P., Communications)


(V.P., Communications)

Related Organizations

UNCW Esports -Website

CFCC Tabletop - https://discord.gg/eZbmN849wz