CMST 20: Interpersonal Communication

Course Information

Communication is essential on many levels. In addition to satisfying practical needs, effective communication can enhance physical health and emotional well-being. Competent communicators have a wide repertoire of behaviors that they are able to choose for different situations. Communication competence involves motivation, a willingness to be open-minded, as well as the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively.

I am excited and confident that you will find this course beneficial and applicable to you personally and professionally. It will change your life!

General Education Areas:

CSU-A1: Oral Communication CA1

IGETC 1C: Oral Communication I1C

CCSF A: Communic./Analytical SFA

The Course Syllabus for face-to-face classes will be emailed to students by the first day of instruction.

Course Description

Focus on the impact that communication has on the interaction between individuals in settings including family, friendship, intimate, and work situations. Students are expected to demonstrate and apply these skills through individual and group presentations and activities.

Major Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  1. Identify and examine the basic elements of the human communication process and how major theoretical positions impact the principles of interpersonal communication.

  2. Analyze the significant role that verbal messages, nonverbal communication, self-concept and self-esteem, emotions, perception, listening, diversity and conflict play in shaping interpersonal communication and relationships.

  3. Evaluate the complexity of interpersonal communication in multiple social contexts.

  4. Use interpersonal skills to build, maintain and enhance social relationships.

  5. Construct and present speeches that explain and apply interpersonal communication theories.