CMST 1A: Elements of Public Speaking

Course Information

Communication skills are key to success. Taking a course in public speaking will help you both personally and professionally. You will learn how to choose a good and interesting topic for a given audience, how to research the topic, how to organize and support your ideas, and how to effectively deliver a speech. This course will help you overcome speech anxiety and improve your critical thinking skills. It will teach you how to evaluate arguments, separate facts from opinions, and identify fallacies. The course can help you become a good public speaker as well as a critical consumer of public discourse.

General Education Areas:

CSU-A1: Oral Communication CA1

IGETC 1C: Oral Communication I1C

CCSF A: Communication/Analytical SFA

Course Syllabus

CMST 1A Online Course on Canvas

Course Description

Mastery of the research, organization, and delivery of extemporaneous speeches. Focus on rhetorical theory, listening, audience analysis, speech construction, and use of evidence, language, and presentation aids.

Major Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course a student will be able to:

  1. Prepare and deliver speeches that effectively inform and persuade an audience

  2. Manage speech anxiety and display effective nonverbal communication

  3. Create and use presentation aids that clarify and support speeches

  4. Listen actively and provide constructive feedback.