Miné Ternar Kal


B.A. Bennington College, Vermont; M.A. Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul, Turkey; M.F.A. University of California, Berkeley.

Miné Ternar Kal, is a practicing artist who has taught at a number of colleges in the Bay Area, including California College of the Arts, San Francisco Art Institute, Cabrillo College and City College of San Francisco. During her graduate work at U.C. Berkeley, she also initiated, through Democratic Education at CAL program, and team-taught a class on contemporary art history in the Art Department of U.C. Berkeley.

In addition to her background in teaching, she has undertaken responsibilities/ led projects, at several non-profit art organizations, including Berkeley Art Museum and Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of U.C. Berkeley, Pro Arts (Oakland), Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts (Walnut Creek), and New Langton Arts (San Francisco).

At City College, she has been active on several committees, including Student Learning Outcomes Committee, Works of Art Committee, Exhibitions Committee, and as a Faculty Advisor to Diego Rivera Web Site Committee. She has also served as the director of City College Art Gallery from 1998-2001 and 2003 to 2007. (City College Art Gallery is located in the Art Department, at V119, in Visual Arts Building, on Phelan campus.) Miné Ternar Kal has been the recipient of artist grants at various artist residency programs, including an artist-in-residence grant and a long-term residency at KALA Art Institute in Berkeley, Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, Vermont. (The largest international artist residency program for artists and writers in the U.S.) She has also collaborated with her memoirs on an international independent film project, titled: Conversations Across the Bosphorus produced by artist Jeanne C. Finley, with contributions from Gokcen Hava Art, and Pelin Esmer.

Miné happy in the Pacific Northwest at one of her favorite sites, Chihuly Garden and Glass, 2018.
In the studio at Vermont Studio Center, winter 2011-12.

Creative works: Visit the web gallery of selected works

Artists Share Their Stories Project: An interactive community website project in progress, containing artist interviews and resources: http://www.artistssharetheirstories.com

Conversations Across the Bosphorus: A collaborative film project directed by Jeanne Finley, Miné Ternar, Gokcen Hava Art, and Pelin Esmer

Title III grant projects: Visit two pilot educational web site projects developed collaboratively by my former design students and students in other disciplines in 1997 and 1998.