Art 126: Color - Spring 2024 

Sections 981 & 982 offered through CityOnline start January 29, 2024!

Instructor: Miné Ternar Kal

Faculty, Art Department

Instructor Contact Information

Email: (Enrolled students, please use Canvas Inbox.)

Office Hours 

For enrolled students, office hours will be held before and after virtual class meeting times Monday evenings through CityZoom and by appointment.

Email is my preferred mode of communication but you can also contact me via phone. Please allow up to 48 hours for responses to email inquiries excluding weekends and school holidays, although almost always you will hear back from me much faster! Office phone: 415.452.5354

(Students who are enrolled should use the Canvas Inbox once the semester starts and they have access to their course site on Canvas. Students who do not have access to Canvas should use the faculty email listed above.)

General Course Information

Spring 2024, ART 126: Color 

Two all online sections with virtual meetings offered through CityOnline. Late start courses.

First virtual meeting in Spring 2024:  Monday, January 29, 6:40-8:30 PM. 

First virtual meeting in Spring 2024Wednesday, August 31, 6:40-8:30 PM. 

All meetings will be held via real-time video-conferencing through CityZoom. Instructions will be emailed to all enrolled students two weeks prior to the start of the semester! Please note that this is an all online course with Zoom meetings offered through CityOnline, which starts almost two weeks after the regular start date of other courses.

Our first meeting and orientation will be a virtual meeting with real-time video-conferencing online from 6:40-8:30 PM on the scheduled meeting day for your class. In Spring 2024, Section 981 meets virtually every Monday evening, and Section 982 every Wednesday evening. You need not have any supplies for the orientation. I will email login instructions for accessing your Canvas course site before the first meeting. Please note that the course site is only accessible to enrolled students after the start of the semester.

You will not be required to access the campus for this class. 

Our course site is extensive and fully developed for all online delivery. In our all online mode, we offer virtual meetings once weekly so you will have real-time access to me as your instructor and your classmates! We do not do a distant kind of online delivery in this class. Even our remote learning brings us face-to-face every week. Students who cannot attend the virtual meetings during the scheduled hour will still have access to the recorded meetings and will be able to participate in all the learning activities online, however, regular attendance in real time during the once weekly virtual meetings is strongly recommended.

Students are advised to add the class as early as possible online before the semester starts and contact the instructor by email at if they experience difficulty. 

To add a class students must request an add through their myRAM portal. Students should try to register or get on the waitlist as early as possible per their registration date priority. If a class is full they can still request an add beginning the first day of class through their myRAM portal

(Students who are enrolled in the class but cannot attend the first meeting due to a schedule conflict should email the instructor to protect their space in the class.)

Sections 981 & 982 are ALL ONLINE, with once weekly virtual meetings !

We use Canvas as our learning platform and CityZoom for the virtual meetings. CityZoom is our college's Zoom account, which you can access during the semester through your course site on Canvas once enrolled. Waitlisted students and students trying to add, who are not yet enrolled in the class, can also join the initial orientation meeting with CityZoom through their regular CCSF login to myRAM with an invite from their instructor. 

Note that CityOnline starts nearly two weeks after the regular semester start date!

(This is not the interactive course site. The course site is on the Canvas server and accessible with a student password issued upon enrollment.)

Student work exploring spatial interaction through cool-warm contrast,  2018
Student work exploring simultaneous color and light-dark contrasts,  2018

Left: Student images from recent semesters. To view Cory Barr's interactive color studies in Spring 2020, visit:​ (External site)

For succeeding in Online Classes: Are you ready to take an online class?

For students already enrolled: Claiming your RAM ID and Login to Canvas Student Guide

For Login to Canvas : Sign in to Canvas     

Canvas Support Hotline (844) 592-2198 available 24/7

Admissions & Registration Virtual Help Counters

Access the CCSF Spring 2024 Academic Calendar. 

Course Description 

ART 126:COLOR is a comprehensive course that combines color theory, history of color in art, and practical applications of color, such as, color mixing, and color interactions in design. It provides the students with a broad understanding of the range of materials that are available to artists and designers for an expression in color and develops conceptual and traditional technical skills for effective visual communication in color. Optical, spatial, psychological, cultural, historical and subjective uses of color are explored. During the semester, we will study the sources of color (pigments, dyes, inks and light), research related histories, understand color sensation, explore our own personal/cultural relationships to color, and finally develop a strong understanding of how colors interact in different environments. A thorough understanding of color interactions is of utmost importance for all design applications because colors appear and behave differently in different environments, altering the way we perceive visual information. Color selections can emphasize or deemphasize a subject and strengthen or weaken a design. Colors can form harmonious relationships or create discords; they can completely alter the mood in a visual expression. 

In this course, students will develop a foundation in color theory and attain a solid understanding of the dynamic interactions of color in art and in everyday life. Students will also acquire the vocabulary to talk about color in art, and refine analytical thinking and problem solving skills through their own creative solutions to design problems utilizing various color contrasts. All students in the class will develop a portfolio of artworks demonstrating their manipulative skills and knowledge of color theory. At the completion of the class, you will find yourselves more sensitized to the world of color that surrounds us, feel confident in using different color schemes for different purposes, and be better prepared for more advanced study in art and related fields.

Student work exploring the effect of different color selections for a design scheme: 1. Contrast of Hue, 2: Complementary Color Contrast, 3: Analogous Color Scheme, all involving light-dark and saturation contrasts as well.


Art 126: Color at CCSF has been approved by the current C-ID system for California Community Colleges and will articulate to majors at CSU campuses that have approved articulation with the same C-ID designation. Art 126 is approved as a CSU Transferable Course and meets the requirements for Art and related majors at many CSUs. Credits transfer to UC/CSU. (For up-to-date information about student transfer in California, visit


There are no prerequisites for this course. Art 126 fulfills 3.0 units of credit toward the 9.0 units of Studio Arts Restricted Electives for AA-T (Associate in Art for Transfer degree) in Studio Arts. 

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course a student will be able to:

Teaching Methodology

All Online

Field Trips (Virtual museum/gallery tours only for the online section.)

Field trips are optional in Basic Design. In the fully online section, all museum/gallery tours are virtual and are a natural part of the class content.


Grading involves the following categories:

Grading Philosophy

Individual projects will be graded per the following criteria:

A rubric which specifies grading criteria for each project will be posted on the project page at the time of its assignment so students are provided with a clear guideline on how their work will be graded before they start a project. All students are graded individually for their own progress and not in comparison to one another! Students come to the color class from different backgrounds and have varying degrees of preparation, ranging from true beginners with no prior art experience and students who are in pursuit of degrees in other subject areas taking Color as a general education elective, to those who have professional experience in the field but needing to update their skills or to complete their degree or certificate requirements and those who need to prepare a strong portfolio for transfer to art colleges. The class is designed to embrace students from all backgrounds with their individual goals. It is possible to respond to the projects in simple or very complex ways, depending on one's level of experience, but prior experience or skill level do not guide a student's grade— individual engagement and growth do! Our classroom environment is comfortable space for all students to share and learn from one another. The course content is rigorous but is taught in a manner that allows each student to advance individually and not in competition with one another. Most importantly, students learn by participating. Students who attend regularly, follow the lectures and readings and complete the required weekly tasks tend to do very well! In fact, good participation in all learning activities in the class is the most important factor in the grade you score.

Good attendance is important for your success and can impact your grade. Two weeks of consecutive absences (not engaging academically online) without an excuse or communication with the instructor may result in a withdrawal from the class or a lower letter grade. 


This is an all online class. We offer once weekly synchronous virtual meetings through City Zoom on Monday evenings from 6:40-8:30 PM. Attendance in real time during the once weekly 2-hour virtual meetings is recommended for all students, but all meetings will be recorded and archived for students who cannot attend or wish to review. The virtual meetings will be accessible with a link through your Canvas course site. (Office hours will be held by appointment before and after our class meetings and alternate office hours may be scheduled by appointment.)

Students are required to login to the course site on Canvas at at least twice weekly, engaging academically and following through the tasks listed. (The site is password protected and accessible upon registration in the course. Students login with their RAM ID. The course is all online but not self-paced. Attendance in the once weekly Zoom meetings is recommended but not required. However, students who cannot attend synchronously are required to watch the meeting recordings. There is good flexibility for all students as needed, but we cover quite a bit of content during the semester, so students should put best effort to meet the scheduled due dates for projects and other tasks. If they need more time on a project, they can ask for an extension but need to communicate with me. Students' participation in the class is measured through their online learning activities, which follow a regular weekly pattern. 

Add/Drop Policy

Students are required to login to the course site at least twice weekly and complete their assignments by their due dates. Per FERPA regulations, students who are not engaged academically for two or more weeks need to be removed from online classes. However, if at anytime you decide not to continue with the class, please know it is the student's responsibility to file for a drop. If a student becomes inactive for a period of two weeks, the instructor will contact the student using Canvas Inbox to check with the student. If no reply is received  within a week, the instructor will need to withdraw the student from the class.  (If you are ill or have a legitimate excuse,  please communicate with your instructor promptly so that she may work with you individually to help you achieve your course requirements.) 

Late work policy

Students are expected to complete their assignments by their due dates. In general, late work is accepted without a penalty up to one week after the original due date. Assignments turned in later than one week may be marked down unless there is an agreement for an extension with the instructor or the late work is due to illness or other legitimate excuse. (Absence due to illness or other legitimate excuses are exceptions, which do not count against the grade. In those cases, late work will be accepted without any penalty, within a reasonable period of time. Extensions will also be given when a student needs more time for successful completion of a project, but students need to communicate their needs to their instructor and inform on their progress and needs.) Extensions can be give on design projects, however all online tasks close after an extra week's grace period.

Additional expectations 

Participation in class critiques and in the online learning forums is required. Attendance at the once weekly Zoom meetings as scheduled during the semester is recommended. If students cannot attend the meetings synchronously, they are required to watch the meeting recordings. Exploration, creative input, and effort towards good craftsmanship in design projects are expected. Art materials as listed are needed and for students' convenience art materials kits are available through the CCSF Bookstore. (See under Materials.) However, students can work in a medium of their choice if they wish to not work with acrylics.

Information Regarding Withdrawals and Not Passing Grade Notations

Since the pandemic, more course repetition petitions have been accepted due to the extraordinary circumstances COVID-19 has created. However, outside of those extenuating circumstances, in the recent years, the State has placed major restrictions on repeatability. There is no longer general repeatability, but students can still repeat a course by petitioning.  *"W" "D" or "F" grade entries on the transcript all count as attempts to take a course. Courses are now grouped into families and a maximum of four attempts are allowed within each family. If a student fails or withdraws from a course— as long as the student has not exhausted the maximum four attempts allowed within that course family— a student may have up to two more opportunities to take the course for a passing grade, but needs to petition after a second attempt, and will not be allowed again if fails or withdraws at his/her third attempt even if the student has not exhausted all four attempts allowed for that family. Therefore, if you feel that you will not be able to commit to a course in a given semester, it is best to plan ahead and drop the course before a "W" (withdrawal) may be recorded for the semester. (Drop without a "W" notation comes rather early in the semester. Please check the important days and deadlines for all classes. International students should be aware that they need a minimum of 12 academic units throughout any given semester in order to maintain their student visas. For international students, withdrawing from a class and the subsequent loss of units may result in the loss of a student visa to the United States.)

"W" is a withdrawal with a "W" notation on record and regular fees are charged. "W" does not have a grade value and does not impact a grade point average, however, as explained above, it will count as an attempt within a family, and you are allowed a limited number of attempts— up to four— within each family.

"FW" indicates that the student stopped attending a course after the last day to withdraw/ did not participate in the final exams.

"EW" is an excused withdrawal the State created during COVID for when a student may need to drop a class due to extenuating circumstances.

"F" indicates that a student attended, participated and completed the course assignments but failed to master course content.

All the above count as attempts for taking a class and are recorded against the maximum four attempts allowed within a course family.

Please note that the information above is given with the intent to empower the students with knowledge. Our goal for all our students is successful completion of their studies. And this information kind of does not apply as strictly during these years of a pandemic!

Recommended Textbook— Optional!

COLOR (The current edition is the 6th, but 5th and even 4th editions are fine.) 

Paul Zelanski and Mary Pat Fisher 

(Softcover) ©2010 (--1989), ISBN 978-0-20563-560-3

Published by: Prentice Hall / Pearson

(Available at City College Bookstore on campus or online. You can also order it directly from the publisher or from a bookstore of your choice or purchase a current or an earlier edition online for a savings or you can explore the subjects we cover in the class further through other resources.)

Materials (Art Kits are available through our College Bookstore.)

We have art kits at our College Bookstore for your convenience. Kits are optional and they can be purchased online and mailed to you directly for a small fee or are available for curb side pick up upon purchase from our CCSF Campus Bookstore at the Ocean Campus at 50 Frida Kahlo Way, Conlan Hall, San Francisco, CA 94112. Be sure to specify that you are getting it for Art 126: Color, as they will also carry the kit for my other class, Art 125A: Basic Design, which has fewer colors than you need for the Color class and contains some additional drawing items, etc for the Design class. If you signed up for both classes however, no need to get both kits. You can purchase one and supplement the remaining items as needed. Kits are optional but make it very convenient for the students.

 Art 126: Color Materials and Textbook (Textbook is optional!)

The kits and the materials listed at the Bookstore include pretty much all you need, but you may need to supplement a few items, such as paint containers for storage, or different colored sheets of paper, etc. during the semester. So if buying the kit, you can disregard the materials info listed below. However, for those of you who may already have plenty of art supplies, but would like to take a look at a list of items needed for the class, here is a general list.

General List of Art Supplies for Art 126: Color (Not needed if you are purchasing the kit.)

             Required Colors: (1 or 2 fl oz tubes or fluid acrylics)

(You need two yellows, two reds, two blues, one black and two whites!)

1. Cadmium Yellow Medium (or Light, can use Hue) (L, G, A), or Cadmium Yellow Lemon (U)

2. Hansa Yellow Medium, or Opaque or Primary Yellow (G), or Hansa Yellow Light (U), or Azo Yellow Medium (U), or Yellow Medium Azo (L), or Transparent or Arylamide Yellow (A)

3. Acra Crimson (L), or Quinacridone Red (G, U), or Primary Red, or Primary Magenta (with any brand), or Quanicridone Magenta (A)

4. Cadmium Red Medium (can use Hue) (L, G, U, A)

5. Pthalo Blue (L, G, U) Get green shade if there is a choice, or Primary Cyan 

6. Ultramarine, or French Ultramarine Blue (L, G, U, A)

7. Mars, or Carbon (or Bone Black if neither of the first two are available)

8. Titanium White (Get a large tube or bottle, 4 fl oz—White gets used fast!) + Zinc White (optional. Zinc white is very transparent, good for glazing.)

           Recommended Colors:

An assortment of short handled round and flat synthetic brushes (#2, 4, 8…). Artist and Craftsman has an assortment of value Princeton Series sets. Always prefer the sets that have at least one angle shader brush, which will help you when painting your color wheels. Having an assortment of sizes is good. Most people go for white or golden taklon (slightly softer). Princeton Value Pack Brush Set with a #1, 3, 5 is at a good price. If you get the set, also get a bigger brush (#8 or so). Most people like to have one angle (slanted) flat brush of about 1/2 inch or 3/4 inch or wider.

Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS)

DSPS Office is in Rosenberg Library – R323

(415) 452-5481 Voice

(415) 452-5451 TDD

(415) 452-5565 (except for exams)

Library Services

Visit the CCSF Library (There are on campus and online library services for our campuses.)

Call 877-379-2491 24/7 for more information or help.

Main Library Page & Distance and Off-campus Services:

CCSF Library During COVID Flier (The college is back on campus now, but this flyer is still useful! :)

The library offers online information and research help, including  online library workshops. A 24 hour help chat is available as well.

Access to eBooks:

We now have over 6,000 electronic full text books (eBooks) that are accessible on or off-campus. The collection includes a broad range of topics. Sample titles: How to Do Everything with Dreamweaver, Speaking for Yourself: A Guide for Students, Drawings of Michelangelo, and Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare. A number of reference works are also available. Sample titles: Encyclopedia of Foods, and the Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties.

When wanting to access the eBooks in our library collection or other library learning resources online you will be asked to enter your student ID barcode number. Sometimes students get confused and try to access the collection with their regular student ID number, but please note that instead you need to enter the barcode number starting with 224 at the bottom of your student ID card.

You will find many great resources at our library and at our library website. Enjoy this excellent resource!

CCSF Admissions & Registration Virtual Help Counters

Our college offers virtual help counters for admissions and registration help. Visit the Virtual Help Counter if you need help with adding or dropping a class: 

Join us and have a great educational experience!

Visit the City College website at:

Miné Ternar Kal:

This page was last updated: January 23, 2024