Math 110C  Calculus 3 

Course Information

Math 110C, Calculus 3

Start: 09/3/2024  End: week of 12/20/2024

Hello and welcome everyone!  It is exciting that we will be going through this part of our Math journey together!  Math 110C is the 3rd course in the Calculus sequence.  Since its invention, Calculus has been crucial to the development of many scientific advancements.  It has probably been useful in the invention of a great number of objects in your home :-)   

Please note that this is a face-to-face course, so there will be campus meetings.   To keep you up with your study and build a sense of community, we will meet as a class on Tuesdays & Thursdays.  In addition, if you need help individually, I will be available to you on Zoom during office hours.  Bring your questions and I will help you face-to-face over Zoom.

During class meetings, you will get help with your homework assignments, and we might have in-class quizzes/tests

Lesson and announcement videos will be posted at Professor Renee's channel.  You might want to subscribe.

Time commitment:  

You should expect to spend 15 hours or more each week.  

How does this Math 110C work?

You will learn the material by lectures, watching lesson videos that I made, reading the textbook and online materials, and discussions with your classmates and me.  You will have a chance to ask questions over our weekly class meetings.  There will often be a lesson concept check/quiz after each lesson on Canvas, and there will be an online homework on WebAssign for each lesson.  You participate in the weekly discussion forums on Canvas to interact with other students and me to ask for or provide help on homework or lessons.   I check discussion forums everyday from Monday to Thursday.  Also, you can interact with other students and me using the Pronto App.  Most quizzes, tests, and exams will be on Canvas and WebAssign.  


Two important links to our course.


Two Apps that are recommended to be downloaded to your  phones, iPad, or tablet, and turn on notifications in settings:


Online Assignments & Textbook Information:

Lessons & Lesson Concept Checks, Homework, Tests, Exams:  

Lessons & lesson concept checks/quizzes (25% of grade) are on Canvas.  

Homework will be online on WebAssign

Tests & Exam will be in class or online.

There might be some extra credits in the form of fun games on Quizizz.

Office Hours:

To help you succeed in this course, I will be available to you on Zoom each Tuesday & Wednesday evenings 8:10 pm - 9:00 pm.  Bring your questions and I will help you face-to-face on Zoom.  No appointments needed.  Before each office hour, I will send out a reminder and a zoom link in Pronto.  So please do remember to download Pronto and turn on notifications. You can download it from Google Play or Apple's App Store.

Need Help from a Math Tutor?

Check out Tutoring at CCSF.  You can make an appointment for live tutoring, and it is free.  As a student at City College, you have access to a variety of services to help you in your classes. Tutoring, computer labs, study spaces, and course materials — our centers and labs are free to use and available online until further notice.

Other Questions and Help:

Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns.   I welcome your suggestions and will do my best to accommodate your needs.  

Let our Math journey begin!        

Professor Renee Liu

Adds and Drops

Add procedure:

Drop Policy:

Important Dates

You must be able to take the following tests and the final exam during the following dates using WebAssign:

Course Policies

Course Communication Policy

Drop Policy

Late Work Policy