English 1C 

Writing about nonfiction

Course Information

Sections offered Fall 2024

Theme this semester: Reasoning and Emotion - analyzing philosophical and scientific arguments. 

One section of English 1C meets face to face on Ocean campus (18 weeks). The use of the online platform Canvas is required. Coursework is completed on Canvas using an internet enabled device. The course uses two texts costing $10-25 total (depending on source and format), with other materials being digital and free via Canvas.

CRN 72924  Section 002, Meets in person, MW 11:10am-1pm, ART 312, Ocean Campus, Full Term (8/19/24 to 12/20/24) 


An advanced composition course that helps students hone a style appropriate for upper division work which integrates the close reading of non-fiction and the writing of expository and argumentative essays. Focus on sharpening critical thinking skills, analyzing and evaluating texts, and writing text-based prose. 


Completion of English 1A with a C or better or placement in English 1B/1C.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:

Class Meetings

The in-person classes meet regularly, twice a week, on Ocean Campus (see above), while the online section will have one optional meeting/week on CityZoom, tentatively Wednesdays 2:10-3pm; this optional meeting will be recorded for those who cannot attend.

Course Web Site

You will use the Canvas Learning Management system for assignment instructions, submitting assignments, viewing classmates' work, sharing resources, and viewing grades.  I can help with the course material and with some Canvas issues. But, if you need help uploading an assignment or with the mechanics of Canvas, you should reach out to Canvas help


Field Trips


Important Dates

 [Find the following dates in the Instructional Calendar or in the online Schedule of Classes by hovering over the deadlines link next to your class listing.]

For the in-person section:


Dropping the Class

Course Syllabus

In-person Section:

Syllabus, English 1C 003 Spring 2024

Online Section:

GoogleDoc Syllabus, English 1C 933 Spring 2024

Fall 2024 syllabus coming soon!