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English 46B: Survey of Literature in English, Part 2

This course will be offered next in Fall 2024


A survey of important literature written in English, from the Restoration through Neo-Classicism and Romanticism to the Early Victorian period (Late-17th through the Mid-19th Century). No part of the ENGL 46 series is prerequisite to any other part. 


Completion of English 1A with a C or better or placement in English 1B/1C.


English 46B 

This fully online survey covers roughly 1660-1860. Next time around, we will be focusing on how The Age of Reason spawned the often wildly and self-consciously irrational modes of the Gothic and Romantic. Isaac Newton developed integral calculus and three fundamental laws of physics, yet he also believed in the occult and practiced alchemy. Seem absurd? Such contradictions abound in human history and particularly so in the period we shall study. As narratives become more orderly, plots more structured than ever, they also become populated with demon, succubus and lamia, with sublime natural forces, and with the mysteries of mesmerism and ventriloquism. Imagination encompasses the rational and irrational. We will read stories, essays, and poems enlivened by both and often struggling between the two. Cultural lenses will include race and empire, gender, science and technology.


An advanced composition course that helps students hone a style appropriate for upper division work which integrates the close reading of non-fiction and the writing of expository and argumentative essays. Focus on sharpening critical thinking skills, analyzing and evaluating texts, and writing text-based prose. 


Completion of English 1A with a C or better or placement in English 1B/1C.

Semester Plan

The course theme for this semester is: Personality and Emotion--analyzing scientific argument

I am teaching two sections of English 1C in Fall 2024: