ART 107  -  African -American Art History

Course Information

Course Description

Heritage of West African civilizations prior to and during the slave trade, and of African-Americans from colonial to contemporary times. All art will be discussed from both a critical and historical perspective with regard to formal visual elements of style and the societies, values and ideas that gave birth to African-American art.

Note:  We will  overview West African civilizations to provide students with a grasp a foundational artistic forms and ideas but spend more time and delve into Modern and contemporary African- American and African diaspora art, so students will be able to relate to topics that resonate with today's experience.

Important Dates

Please, review this outside pages with the college's instructional calendars.  

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Course Syllabus

Course syllabus (will be create in a few weeks from end of June 2019).  You also have the option to include a link to your syllabus in Canvas if you want to make it publicly available. Here's how to make your syllabus publicly available. Be sure to include your textbook and ISBN information.