Click on the Full Description button for more information on each specific course.

ART 108

Women Through Art History

 This course is a scholalry" Investigation of women's roles in European and non-European society as artists, patrons and subjects in art from pre-history to the present. Artworks are examined through formal and thematic characteristics and from a historical, social and gender-based perspective.” CCSF catalog description. 

ART 107

African American Art History

 Together we will study the “heritage of West African civilizations prior to and during the slave trade, and of African-Americans from colonial to contemporary times. All art will be discussed from both a critical and historical perspective with regard to formal visual elements of style and the societies, values and ideas that gave birth to African-American art.” CCSF catalogue description. 

ART 106

Latin American Art History

 This course will focus on the  "artistic heritage of Latin America from the sixteenth century CE to the present. All art will be discussed from both a critical and historical perspective with regard to formal visual elements of style and the societies, values, and ideas that gave birth to Latin American Art."