Music 25 Online

Welcome to Music 25 (Music of Latin America  & The Caribbean)

Hello students!

Welcome to the online version of Music 25 - Music of Latin America & The Caribbean this fall at City College. If you are new to CCSF, or new to taking online classes, here are some resources that can support your online learning experience:

About This Course

The music of Latin America and the Caribbean is rich and complex—and we include Latin music in the United States here as well— with a diverse array of styles and rhythms, important historical context, and a relevance to our lives in many ways. When we explore and analyze the reasons why people make music, we uncover social, political, cultural, spiritual, socio-economic and deeply personal meanings behind the art form itself. Furthermore, we can also gain an appreciation of many points of view and develop an understanding of how the arts—and music in particular—play a vital role in society.

You will have a chance to apply what you learn in several ways throughout the course, including discussions with your classmates, tracking your listening experience in a weekly journal reflection, and developing a research project on a subject you are excited about. Finally, you will explore many musical cultures you are unfamiliar with and likely make critical connections to your own background. I think you will find great inspiration in this class, and hopefully you will develop a passion for music and continue to explore these exciting traditions well beyond your time in this class!

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

Course Materials

This course meets entirely online within the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). There is no required textbook for this class, but there are plenty of resources to keep you engaged! Please familiarize yourself with our various media resources on this Google Site, since the most consistent activity you will be doing is listening to music and writing a journal reflection, in addition to participating in weekly discussions with your classmates in Canvas. Also, be sure to download the Course Companion so you can access the required reading offline.

Drop Policy

Your success in this class matters! I will do everything in my power to support your learning, and hope you will be an active and willing participant alongside me and your classmates. In our first week of class, you will complete the reading in Module 0 and participate in the Icebreaker Discussion. Students who do not participate in any of the initial activities in the class may be considered "no-shows" and risk being dropped, so please notify me if you intend to stay enrolled or wish to drop. If you begin the course and later encounter a situation that prevents you from completing the assignments, please be sure to let me know. I am here to help you, so please communicate with me no matter what!

Late Work Policy

Please do your best to turn in your assignments on time, and know that late work is subject to reduction in points by up to a full grade (an "A" would become a "B", for example), unless you have a valid excuse (medical reason, doctor's note, family emergency) or make prior arrangements with me ahead of time. I will not accept any assignments after the last day of class. This course is designed with plenty of flexibility for you the student, and requires your dedication and commitment. If personal or other matters inhibit you from completing an assignment on time, I ask that you communicate with me as soon as possible so I can work with you to find a solution.

Instructor Contact Information

I prefer Canvas Inbox for general communication. In addition, my primary email address is I typically respond to messages in Canvas and email within 24-48 hours.