Melinda L. Weil
Astronomy Department
Mailbox S 29
50 Frida Kahlo Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94112
Office: Science Hall 405
Phone: 415.239.3242
Response time within 48 hours
Online Office Hours: TuTh 11:30 - 12:30
It's Full. How Do I Get on the Waitlist?
Use the waitlist feature during registration to be placed on the waitlist for the course. If a student drops and space becomes available, the system will email you and offer the opportunity to add the class - you must add within 24 hours. More information from CCSF
How Do I Add After the Semester Starts?
On or after the first day of class, go to MyRam Portal at MyCCSF.
Click the Student Portal tile.
Click on the bullet point titled Class Add Request.
Select the term = Fall or Spring + Year
Enter the CRN number for the class and Click "GO"
I will approve you if I think room will open up in the class; I usually add 10 to 20 people in the first two weeks. I will send you email about your approval, as will the college.
Then you have to actually register for the class within 3 days!
ASTR 1 focuses on unraveling the mysteries of space, from the Earth and Moon, to planets and stars, to galaxies and the whole Universe! Is there anywhere we can move if we mess up our planet Earth? Why do exploding stars mean you exist? What is a Black Hole really? Are there really hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy? How big and how old is our Universe, and are we safe in it?
ASTR 1 may be a remote or online fully asynchronous class, meaning we have no face-to-face meetings on campus or in Canvas. Students complete each weekly module on their own time. A textbook is not required but recommended.
You will 'meet' me when you view the orientation in the first week, and in teaching videos and announcements throughout the semester. You can also make an appointment to attend Zoom office hours if you wish.
Please follow the link to the ASTR 1 page for more detailed info!
ASTR 19 is about the biggest things we know of. It focuses on understanding the galaxies full of glowing stars, gas, and dust in order to learn about our entire Universe of space and time, mass and energy. Where are we and how did we get here?! What are Supermassive Black Holes? Did the Big Bang really create the Universe? Will it ever end?
ASTR 19 is an online class. It is fully asynchronous, meaning we have no face-to-face meetings on campus or in Canvas. Students complete each weekly module on their own time. A textbook is not required but recommended.
You will 'meet' me when you view the orientation in the first week, and in teaching videos and announcements throughout the semester. You can also make an appointment to attend Zoom office hours if you wish.
Please follow the link to the ASTR 19 page for more detailed info!
Our ASTR 17 class focuses focus on our solar system of the Sun, planets, moons, rings, and space junk, and visit planets orbiting other stars! Is there anywhere we can move if we mess up our planet Earth? Where did our Moon come from? We will try to understand the origin and evolution of planetary systems. Why is each planet different? We will look at detailed planetary information revealed by space missions, including life-bearing possibilities.
ASTR 17 is an online class. It is fully asynchronous, meaning we have no face-to-face meetings on campus or in Canvas. Students complete each weekly module on their own time. A textbook is not required but recommended.
You will 'meet' me when you view the orientation in the first week, and in teaching videos and announcements throughout the semester. You can also make an appointment to attend Zoom office hours if you wish.
Please follow the link to the ASTR 17 page for more detailed info!
For Everyone
Canvas Log-in Instructions
Instructions for new students.
Go to the RAM ID Portal and Login.
Username: CCSF ID, examples: W12345678 or @12345678.
Your Canvas password is your RAM ID password.
Once logged in, Click on the Canvas Tile.
Shortcut: Login directly to Canvas.
Canvas Chat Support is available 24/7.
Online Learning
What are the real challenges encountered by both new and experienced online students, and how can you be successful? Tune into this short tutorial video to help debunk common myths about online learning.