ASTR 19 Galaxies and the Universe

Melinda L. Weil

Spiral Galaxy Center

Class Structure and Important Dates

ASTR 19 is an online class. It is fully asynchronous, meaning we have no face-to-face meetings on campus or in Canvas. Students complete each weekly module on their own time.

You will 'meet' me when you view Orientation in the first week, and through teaching videos and announcements throughout the semester. You may also attend Zoom office hours if you wish.

Course Information

Hello and Welcome Online Students!

Our ASTR 19 class focuses on only the biggest things in space. We study the galaxies full of stars, gas and dust in order to learn about our entire Universe of space and time, mass and energy. Where are we and how did we get here?! Let’s look at some beautiful images from space like the spiral galaxy above and try to understand them.


ASTR 19 is a fully online 3-unit class that runs for 16 weeks. It fulfills your Natural Science/Physical Science requirement. Our class is asynchronous, meaning we have no class meetings either in person or online. You go through each week’s lesson on your own time schedule. You will 'meet' me when you view Orientation in the first week, and through teaching videos and announcements throughout the semester. 

Getting started

We begin with a gentle Week 1 Module where I will explain your Canvas Learning Management System and orient you to the course structure and the syllabus. You will view a video and complete a check-in discussion. I’ve worked to make our weekly modules easily comprehensible, and I hope you’ll find them simple to navigate! The first assignment isn't due until the first Sunday... but get started before then so you can peruse the introductory information. 

Your course learning management system is called Canvas. Your login and password are your RAM ID. To easily access our ASTR 19 class: Go to the CCSF Website and click on “CANVAS” at the top of the page. Enter our ASTR 19 class and click on “Modules” in the left-hand course menu. “Modules” is the place to go every time you enter our class! It’s where all the weekly learning and assessment materials are.

Online classes require at least the same amount of time as face-to-face classes. For ASTR 19, you will need time to study the lessons and complete the assignments each week. You will find a Time Management Suggestions document in Week 1 to assist you. I will clearly indicate deadlines for completing assignments, including taking quizzes and participating in online discussions. Your lowest two discussions and lowest two quizzes are dropped. Due dates are always on Thursdays and Sundays at 9pm. I have office hours appointment bookings available in Zoom each week if you need assistance in addition to emailing me.

Recommended Textbook

A textbook is not required but recommended. You know yourself better than I do, as to whether you are able to pass our class without a textbook to assist you. If you are not sure, try the first few weeks without one, then decide.

The suggested book is “Universe: Stars and Galaxies” by Freedman, Geller, & Kaufmann, 5th or 6th edition, published by Macmillan. (The 4th edition has the chapters set up differently but is still pretty good if you can't find the later editions.) The textbook may be bought used or rented; the 6th edition is available at

"Universe: Stars and Galaxies" is the text I used to develop the class so the order of the chapters and topics, and the figures are based on it. But most relatively recent, cheap used textbooks on introductory astronomy could help you in the class. You may also opt for the Open Stax free astronomy textbook. The chapters, order of topics, and figures in a different book will be different than "Universe: Stars and Galaxies" so it will be harder to use. I personally would choose an older, used edition of "Universe: Stars and Galaxies" if I wanted to make learning in the class easy and save a little money. Also, the full text called "Universe" by the same authors may be available - the 9th, 10th, and 11th editions of that one work.