About the Instructor

Katharine Saunders with red eyes

I believe that everyone can learn math, given the right environment,

and that the feeling of accomplishment you gain from completing your goals

is well worth the effort it requires.

I believe in breathing, homework, making a lot of mistakes, learning from your mistakes,

practice, laughter, group work, engaged students, energetic classrooms and barefoot teachers.

I believe in asylum, immigration and that Black Lives Matter. 

I believe our differences make us stronger together. 

I believe in celebrating each individual's story and working together to help everyone achieve their dreams.

I believe in education and that it is my deep honor and joy to help others to access it.

My partner and I oversee a suburban zoo that includes three carpet weasels, 3.5 cats, one rabbit, four generations of wild crows, dozens of roses and a wildly passionate garden that usually has to tend to itself, because I spend so much time writing lectures and grading.  When I do eke out a little spare time, I enjoy photography, writing poetry, gardening and pyrotechnics.

You are welcome to address me as Ms. Saunders or Katharine.  My pronouns are they/them/she.

Chappy the Bunny