Children's Eating & Nutrition

HLTH 177/CDEV 107 is a 3-unit fully online course which provides an overview of child nutrition issues, with an emphasis on practical skills & approaches to influence positive eating behaviors that promote optimal health and nutrition. 

Health Education 201 & 202 are required courses for the Community Health Worker certificate. HLTH 201 & 202 prepares students for frontline CHW positions in public health, health care and social services. It is designed to teach and enhance core competencies for working CHWs including client-centered concepts and skills for peer counseling and group facilitation. The course emphasizes a trauma-informed approach designed to prepare CHWs to support the healing and recovery of survivors of violence and other traumatic events. Health Education 202 is open only to students who have completed Health Education 201 with a grade of “C” or better.

HLTH 170 "Introduction to Nutrition Professions" is a 1-unit hybrid/online course, and is highly recommended as a valuable elective if you are thinking of the nutrition field as a future educational or professional career goal, or are interested in pursuing the new AS-T Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics.

The CDEV 92 course provides an overview of health, safety and nutrition for children in early childhood programs, with an emphasis on physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff in the home and care facility. Topics include preventing injuries and infections, promoting physical and mental, facility design, caring for children with specific needs, and child maltreatment.