Deciding on a Career 

Congratulations on taking charge of your career and choosing to take CRER 60. This course is filled with all the strategies, resources and support you will need to decide on a career path for yourself. This class is 100% online and does not require any live, Zoom sessions. Mini-lectures and announcements will be recorded and uploaded to the course shell on a weekly basis. 

Students take the course for different reasons. The class is rich in perspectives and experiences since it is filled with a diverse group of students, such as: new-to-college students, returning students who have been away from college for awhile, students looking for a career change or just starting their first job! Students tend to be a variety of working students, students with families, first-generation students, recent high school students or students who already have degrees but are back to pursue a different path! Whatever your personal reason is, if you take the time to practice what you learn in the class, you will walk away a more prepared and empowered student. You can and will succeed!

 CRER 60: Deciding on a Career

Spring 2024 CRN 35382 931

Course Dates: 1/29/24 - 5/22/24

Course Description

An in-depth study of the process of deciding on a career. Topics include career curiosity, self-assessments, the world of work, job markets, career development over the life span, and influence of career choice from family and relationships. Emphasis on researching career options and self-evaluating one's interests, values, and personality. Helpful to those considering a career change or undecided about a college major

3 units

Letter grade or Credit/No Credit option is available

CCSF degree applicable, meets Area A graduation requirement

Transferable to CSU, meets Area E transfer requirement

UC Transferable credit


Welcome to CRER 60: Deciding on a Career! This 3-unit course will be taught completely online. I am always available to meet through Zoom or phone, just ask! This course is filled with valuable knowledge and resources to help you choose a career path that aligns with your values and goals.  As any other course, be prepared to engage with the course material through reading, writing, and ongoing application of what you are learning. There are various career exploration assessments and writing assignments.

This is a late-start, shorter-term 16-week online class. Please plan to spend 6-8 hours per week in the online classroom, reading your assigned readings, completing learning activities and assignments, studying, doing homework, researching, and taking quizzes. There will be numerous, reflective writing assignments in the class.

Course Textbook

The textbook and all other materials for this class are free! We will use OER's FREE online textbook, additional weekly content loaded to our course modules,  supplemental materials, recordings and video sharing. We will only cover a small portion of the textbook, since the authors are updating it through June 2024 (all other portions are valuable for college success, but not required for this course):

Blueprint for Success in College: Career Decision Making

Blueprint for Success in College and Career (full text - only for those students seeking additional college success strategies - NOT required for this course)

Adding the Class - Important Information 

If you need help with registration or how to complete CCSF's class add request, please attend a Registration Virtual Help Counter or speak to them in person in MUB 130.

This class and the waitlist will fill up prior to the start date. On the first day of class, if you are on the waitlist and want to add the class OR if you are not on the waitlist and want to add the class, please follow the steps below:

Important Dates

This course is completely online with no face-to-face meetings. There is an online orientation in the course. If you are a first-time online student, I encourage you to set up a time to check in with me. Students find this meeting helps with navigation issues early on, which allow for continued success! I do hope to meet you soon, in-person or online.

Spring 2024 CRN # 35382

Course Dates:  January 29, 2024 - May 22, 2024

General Course Information

CANVAS Access:

We will be using Canvas for online CRER 60: Deciding on a Career. Canvas requires use of an internet enabled device. This class is 100% online and does not require any live, weekly Zoom sessions. Virtual office hours and ongoing virtual support from your instructor is always available once the class starts.

To learn about Canvas, please watch the Canvas Video Overview for Students. You can also complete the FREE, self-paced, Passport to Canvas to help you learn about using Canvas as a student. 

Technology Loan Program

If you need to check out a laptop or a wifi hotspot, please contact CCSF's Library Laptop Program.

If you have any problems with logging in, don’t hesitate to contact CCSF Online Course Support Center.

Also, be sure to check that your computer is prepared to handle Canvas: The Computer Readiness Test runs an automatic browser check with results and links for downloading plugins that you might need for your course.

Textbook and Materials

FREE Online Textbook offered through OER (Open Educational Resources) and can also be accessed within the Canvas course shell.

We will fully cover two portions of the textbook (the third portion is optional)

Blueprint for Success in College: Career Decision Making

Blueprint for Success in College and Career

We will use a variety of online career exploration websites and resources. Some will require you to set up a free account. Please be mindful of creating secure usernames and passwords not already linked with your personal accounts. 


Showing up is important in anything you do. Showing up means being present and also actively participating in your learning. Showing up helps you understand the course content, your instructors expectations, and how to engage with the class materials.  In an online class, "showing up" means logging in a few times a week, scheduling enough time to review all of the online materials, take notes, and submit assignments by the deadlines. In some ways, taking a course fully online is more challenging than an in-person course because you are not physically in the company of fellow students and the instructor in a real-time environment.  Asking a question and learning the answer is usually done through writing (mostly) and for some, takes more time and effort than speaking and listening in-person. Also, you need to know how to navigate Canvas.

Please plan to log in to the course at least three times a week, so you can review and process the material and create a plan to meet the weekly assignment deadlines. 


IMPORTANT:  Online classes are not self-paced. This means that you will be required to turn in assignments by the due date. This requires time management on your part. Logging in regularly and tracking when assignments are due will help you stay on top of things. This course will have assignments due every week. Please pay attention to all deadlines. Each week, we have a new Module that opens on Sundays @ 5am. All weekly assignments will be due no later than Wednesdays by 11:55pm and Sundays by 11:55pm. Take the time to review the due dates carefully to be sure which day the assignment is due. All quizzes and exams will be held at scheduled times.

Late Work Policy

Life happens. Many students are juggling a lot outside of class. Balancing it all can be overwhelming. It takes time to build healthy time management skills. I understand and I do accept late work. If you miss the assignment deadline, but turn it in within 24 hours of the due date, I only deduct 10% off the full points. You have up to one week past the original due date to turn in work, but there will be a 20% reduction off the total points. Late work is not accepted past one week of the due date. I do not allow for make-up quizzes or final exams, unless you receive prior approval for a valid reason.

Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your work because if a technical difficulty should arise, you will have no time to figure out how to submit; if you miss a quiz or exam you cannot submit late work because the quiz will lock.  When I take an online course, when possible I try to submit a day before the deadline to be sure that my work is counted!


If you need special accommodations, please contact our wonderful Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS). If you have accommodations, please let me know so we can work together to get the accommodations in place early on. 

DSPS Phone: (415) 452-5481

See you online!

CRER 60 Syllabus.

Coming soon!