Figure Drawing: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, and Special Topics

Art 132 A,B,C,D Course Information

Note: All 4 levels of this class meet at the same time.


NOTE! For Spring 2021 semester all three levels of this course meet every this class is fully ONLINE and meets every THURSDAYS from 3:10pm-6pm via Zoom on Canvas. Zoom session recordings will be available for students use. Once you register to the class please read an announcements in Canvas about the first Zoom session. Please read about adding to the class process

Introduction to the basic concepts of drawing the nude figure from life. Students develop a practical understanding of surface anatomy and proportions using a variety of media and techniques, acquire perceptional and critical thinking skills, and are introduced to the expressive potential of figurative drawing.


NOTE! NOTE! For Spring 2021 semester all three levels of this course meet every this class is fully ONLINE and meets every THURSDAYS from 3:10pm-6pm via Zoom on Canvas. Zoom session recordings will be available for students use. Once you register to the class please read an announcements in Canvas about the first Zoom session. Please read about adding to the class process

Catalog Description

Building on the previously acquired basic knowledge of drawing the nude figure from life, intermediate students will further develop their understanding of concepts and techniques of figure drawing, continue with more in-depth study of anatomy and proportion, and start working with color and experimental mixed-media approaches.


NOTE! NOTE! For Spring 2021 semester all three levels of this course meet every this class is fully ONLINE and meets every THURSDAYS from 3:10pm-6pm via Zoom on Canvas. Zoom session recordings will be available for students use. Once you register to the class please read an announcements in Canvas about the first Zoom session. Please read about adding to the class process

Catalog Description

Building on a rigorous study of drawing the nude figure from life, students will focus on developing a self-directed creative process, leading to advanced-level exploration of contemporary art issues and media, while creating a series of related figurative compositions.


NOTE! NOTE! For Spring 2021 semester all three levels of this course meet every this class is fully ONLINE and meets every THURSDAYS from 3:10pm-6pm via Zoom on Canvas. Zoom session recordings will be available for students use. Once you register to the class please read an announcements in Canvas about the first Zoom session. Please read about adding to the class process

Catalog Description

Students will integrate advanced figure drawing skills with a focus on Special Topics such as Portraiture, Narrative Art, Mixed Media or Figurative Mural Art, to develop a personal and expressive body of artwork in a medium of their choice.

Student Work->

Important Dates

NOTE! For Spring 2021 semester only all three levels of this course meet every this class is fully ONLINE and meets every THURSDAYS from 3:10pm-6pm via Zoom on Canvas. Once you register to the class please read an announcements in Canvas about the first Zoom session. Please read about adding to the class process

Course Syllabus

Please check out the material list in the syllabus before the semester starts. You can view the syllabus here