Program of Studies


Thank you for choosing Mahwah High School

Mahwah High School offers a comprehensive, 21st century skills-based program of studies. This program of studies is a reference guide for students, parents, and school personnel actively involved in curriculum planning at Mahwah High School. It is a complete guide of  current course offerings at Mahwah High School. Each department has described its specific course offerings, highlighting the chief components of each course, as well as prerequisites for enrollment.

Planning an individual student's high school program of studies demands a cooperative effort between home and school. The program of studies that a student pursues in high school should reflect his or her career pathway, achievements, and aptitudes. Our course offerings provide students with many opportunities to meet their individual educational needs. Beyond state, district, college and career requirements, the students are encouraged to select courses that will be academically stimulating and personally enriching. It is imperative when selecting courses, to consult with parents, counselors, and teachers, each of whom can help provide insight and guidance in developing an academic plan that is appropriate for you.

Final decisions regarding the actual offerings of any particular course for the upcoming school year depend upon enrollment, class size, and staffing availability. While we are committed to providing a diverse academic program based upon interest for each student, not all courses listed in this program of studies are guaranteed to be offered every school year nor are students guaranteed enrollment in a specific class.

We are so eager to embark on this exciting academic journey with you and your family. If you have any questions about scheduling or course requirements, please reach out to your counselor.

Contact Information


John Pascale, Principal

Craig Jandoli, Assistant Principal

Michael McCabe, Assistant Principal

Guidance Department

Dominick Gliatta, Director of Guidance