Course Descriptions
Open to Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
Pre-requisites: none
Criteria for admission: none, Course Length: Year
In this project-based course, students apply the engineering design process using computational thinking and programming through robotic technology, including Vex equipment and NAO robots. This course is designed for students to solve meaningful problems through the practices of engineering design applying knowledge of mathematics, science and technology. Students will learn how to use feedback from sensors, applied mathematics and measurement to program their robot to navigate in its environment while programming in ROBOTC and Choregraphe. Students will have the opportunity to cooperatively complete multiple challenges involving guided research, problem solving, and design documentation by means of an Engineer's Notebook.

Above: Blind folded driving with Vex robots.
Below: NAO robots

Open to Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
Pre-requisite: Algebra 1 or prior approval from supervisor
Criteria for admission: none, Course Length: Year
In this year long course, students use computational thinking and computer programming as tools used in design and engineering while demonstrating an understanding of the problem-solving capacity of computers in our world. Using Alice, Python and Java (with an emphasis on programming in Java), students program using a structured, top-down approach to solve problems or accomplish a task. Additionally, students apply computational thinking practice, build vocabulary and collaborate just as computing professionals do to create products that address topics and problems important to them. Topics to be covered include: selection, looping, methods, classes as a black box, computer hardware, primitive graphics, hexadecimal and binary number systems, arrays, objects and Graphical User Interfaces, applets across the web.

Above: Created by Tyler Valentine using Alice.
Below: Student designed game of "Pong."
Pre-requisites: Algebra 1 and teacher recommendation
Criteria for admission: Meets honors admission criteria, Course Length: Year
Computer science is everywhere, from our smartphones and video games to music, medicine, and much more. AP Computer Science Principles will help the student understand how computing and technology influence the world around them. Students will learn how to creatively address real-world issues by building socially useful mobile apps. This course will utilize the Mobile CSP curriculum based on App Inventor, a mobile programming language for Android devices. In this course, the student will learn how computer science is useful to more than just computer programmers. In addition to programming and computer science principles, the course is project-based and emphasizes writing, communication, collaboration and creativity. Some colleges may grant exemption from required basic courses and/or credit when mastery is demonstrated by results on an Advanced Placement examination or other criteria. Students should check with individual colleges as to their policies regarding this process.
Click here for AP Comp Sci Principles FAQ.
Click here for App Inventor FAQ.
Above: Student project created with App Inventor.
Pre-requisite: Comp Sci Programming and Design
Criteria for admission: Meets honors admission criteria, Course Length: Year
This AP Computer Science course is intended to serve both as an introductory course for computer science majors and as a course for students who will major in other disciplines that require significant involvement with computing. The major emphasis of this course is on programming methodology and object-oriented analysis and design. Included is the study of algorithms and data structures. The program writing in this course are very complex and reflect real-world scenarios. Time will be dedicated to the AP Computer Science Case Study. Some colleges may grant exemption from required basic courses and/or credit when mastery is demonstrated by results on an Advanced Placement examination or other criteria. Students should check with individual colleges as to their policies regarding this process.
DATA STRUCTURES Open to Grades: 11, 12
Pre-requisite: Algebra 2 and AP Computer Science A
Criteria for admission: Successful completion of AP Computer Science A, Course length: Year
Data Structures is a course designed for the student who want to further develop skills in the design of data structures and algorithms, the techniques of object-oriented programming, and the use of the Java programming language. It is comparable to a second semester college-level course in Data Structures and moves beyond the NJ Core Content Curriculum Standards.
Students will be expected to apply problem-solving skills, mathematical reasoning, and written communication skills while solving of problems in many application areas. In addition to demonstrating the ability to design, implement, and test solutions to computer problems, students will understand Graphical User Interfaces and networking/server protocol. Lastly, students will utilize a variety of available technology tools including but not limited to Jcreator software, Oracle Java, web-based research, and Microsoft Software Applications.
Pre-requisites: Algebra 2, Course Length: Year
Criteria for admission:
1. Mid-year average of 82% in the present honors mathematics; mid-year grade of
90% in the present academic mathematics course.
2. Demonstrates proficient levels of the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
3. Recommendation of the present mathematics teacher.
This AP Statistics course is a one year course intended for capable students who wish to complete studies in high school which are equivalent to a one semester, introductory, non-calculus based, college course in statistics. The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes: exploring data, planning a study, anticipating patterns and drawing conclusions from data. Graphing calculators and web-based applications are used extensively to enhance conceptual understanding. Some colleges may grant exemption from required basic courses and/or credit when mastery is demonstrated by results on an Advanced Placement examination or other criteria. Students should check with individual colleges as to their policies regarding this process.
SAT MATHEMATICS Open to Grades 11, 12
Pre-requisites: none, Course Length: 18 days
Criteria for admission: none
This course is offered after the regular school day and is offered in the fall, winter, and spring. The Math SAT course is directly aligned with New Jersey Student Learning Standards Mathematics. This course is designed to strengthen student test taking skills and to enhance student scores on the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT). The structure of the SAT, along with the implications of how the exam is graded, are discussed. Thinking and mathematical reasoning skills are developed while students work independently and cooperatively. Students learn and practice effective test taking strategies including: appropriate pacing, increased focusing, estimating answers, substituting in answer choices, and educated guessing. Both verbal and written communication are emphasized. The course is intended to motivate students of all ability levels to develop their problem solving and test taking skills.
ACT MATHEMATICS Open to Grades 11, 12
Pre-requisites: none, Course Length: 18 days
Criteria for admission: none
The Math ACT course is directly aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in mathematics. This course is designed to enhance student scores on the American College Test (ACT) with a concentration on test taking skills. The structure of the ACT, along with the implications of how the test is graded, will be discussed. Understanding and fluency, along with application of mathematical concepts, skills and practices will be addressed and strengthened. Students will learn and practice effective test taking strategies that include but are not limited to: appropriate pacing, increased focus, use of an appropriate calculator in appropriate sections, use of estimated answers, use of substituted values for back - solving, use of substituted numbers and use of educated guessing. Students will learn to work independently, as well as cooperatively in pairs and small groups. Both verbal and written communication of ideas will be emphasized. The course is intended to motivate students of all ability levels to develop their problem solving and test taking skills.