Daily Interactions

Tools for Instruction

Google Classroom is the tool we will use to post daily interactions. There are many tools outside of google classroom that can be linked in your posts. The following are some top tools listed in alphabetical order.

Flip Grid


Pear Deck


Flipgrid - easy way to record and share videos for web tutorials, class discussions, world language speaking practice, and more.

Padlet - digital "poster board" to share links, respond to questions, share videos and images, class mind mapping, and organizing ideas.

Pear Deck - digital presentation tool that integrates with Google Slides to make your slides interactive - ask questions that allow text and numerical response, draw on an image or blank canvas, drag and drop activities, and more.

Screencastify - video tutorials to illustrate a concept or review a tool, world language speaking practice, assignment, errors - can use web cam or record your desktop and also use digital drawing tools to annotate on your screen.

3d Walkthroughs of Hybrid Classroom Setups

Writing on Things Live and saving them for later

Two methods shown. Great for live help during a meet or to insert written things or annotations into a slide deck.

Writing On Things While Presenting.mp4

HP Smart app- Digitize your paper documents to insert or upload into Google Classroom (see video below)

HP Smart.mp4