Magic Electricity Box

Our Social Mission is to support regional youth to find and create employment in the Creative Industries. We commission, create and license production music (also called stock music) to customers for use in film, television, radio, podcasts, web series, public art installations, multi-media projects or anything that requires a musical score

We make songs that change the world

Magic Electricity Box Pty Ltd is a Work Integrated Social Enterprise Music Publishing Company

Our programs and products are designed to support young people discover and develop careers in the Creative Economy

Our business model
(how we make money):

  1. Licensing production music to our global customers through our Stock Music Library; and,

  2. Offering impact aligned programs to regional stakeholders (High Schools, local SMEs, Local Councils and youth focused organisations) to scale a community of impact practitioners. We are a Field Building Intermediary

  3. Fee-for-service project management service through our Lemlor Productions innovation hub

Our community:

We support regional young people - 14 to 35 years old - to develop their own pathways to employment and entrepreneurship in the Australian creative economy.

Our impact model:

We provide access to mentors, creative production infrastructure and global markets so that emerging creative entrepreneurs from regional communities can take advantage of the global creative industries to launch and grow their own creative business, or find a job in the creative tech sector .

We also have a special focus on supporting women and girls in the music industry. Have a look at the University of Sydney Skipping a Beat report for more information about the challenges facing female artists


About Us

Irene Lemon, founder and Managing Director

Please visit my profile on LinkedIn

Simon Mellor, founder and creative director

Please listen to my interview with Elise Cooper