Sheila V. Madrak, Ph.D.
Director and Founder
Sheila V. Madrak, aka Doc Mad, is an assosciate professor of biology and an avid animal welfare advocate. Doc grew up on the east coast and completed a bachelor of science in animal science at the University of Vermont. During her undergraduate studies, Doc made the decision to veer away from career in veterinary medicine and pursue wildlife research. Doc Mad earned a master of science in the biological sciences from Florida Atlantic University, researching the early migratory behavior of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). Her next step found her landlocked where she spent time as an outreach manager for two animal welfare groups in Flagstaff, AZ. While these positions were interim between graduare programs, they were fundamental experiences in shaping Doc's devotion to animal welfare and shelter support through rescue. An opprotunity to complete a doctoral degree in conservation ecology brought Doc Mad to San Diego, where she researched movement and behavior of green sea turtles in San Diego Bay. And now she is a tenured professor at San Diego Miramar College.
Doc Mad founded Mad Mutts with her children as a way to give back to the community and to contribute in a small way in helping to mitigate the burden of our public shelters. As is so often quoted in animal rescue, "Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever." (Karen Davison)
Doc Mad with her rescued English bulldog, Tigerbee Tulip (Instagram: TeamTigerbee). TT was dumped at a SoCal shelter when she was about 4 months old in terrible condition with a prolapsed anus. She was the byproduct of backyard breeders - presumably couldn't make them a profit as she had a congenital spinal disorder and is fully incontinent (urinary and fecal) as a result.