Mr. Londrey's

6th Grade English

Covid-19 April 13th - May 11th

English take home packet

I understand that we are in an unusual time right now and everyone is having to adjust in some form or fashion. Each student should have received a packet in the mail from the school with each of their class's work enclosed. I have put an electronic copy of my English packet (not the book) here in case your copy gets misplaced.

Please, don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this packet. I hope that each and every one of you stays healthy and I look forward to seeing you again in the fall.

Copy of 6th Grade English 4th Quarter Covid Packet 2020.pdf
Copy of BINGO

6th Grade Inquiry

Friday March 13th was a bit hectic at the end of school, and it is understandable that some students might have forgotten or lost their work that they need to complete during this extended time off from school. Here is an electronic copy of that document.

I hope that everyone stays safe and healthy during this time, and I look forward to things getting back to normal hopefully in just a couple of weeks.

William Wetsel Middle School

Madison, VA 22727

Phone: (540) 948-3783 ext: 3003
