Group one

Group one has been designed for our youngest academy students with little experience in the fields of STEAM.

Students who attended the STEAM Academy last year in group one may still fit into group one this summer and will get to participate in brand new projects and activities

In general, group one suits students entering grades 3-5 for the 2020-2021 school year, though students with strong skills and experiences may consider group two

Group two

Group two has been designed for our academy students with some prior experiences and an eagerness to learn

Students who attended the STEAM Academy last year in group two may still fit in group two this summer and will get to participate in a new enriching experience.

In general, group two suits students entering grades 6-8 for the 2020-2021 school year, though students with strong skills and experiences may consider group three

Group three

Group three has been designed for our oldest academy students who are ready to learn skills being used in an industrial and professional setting

Students in group three will be placed in courses that challenge them for college and career preparation

In general, group three suits students entering grades 9-12 for the 2020-2021 school year, though students with little or no prior skills or experience should consider group two

Do you have any specific questions or concerns about choosing the right student group? Individualized recommendations can be made by contacting Jason Erdreich at for further assistance and support.