Classroom Procedures

Everyday procedures 

On a daily basis, students will enter the classroom will low voices.  They typically get 2 minutes to get materials and to write daily reminders or homework in their planner.  They will then do a warm-up and get started on our day. IF the routine changes, I give students notice and reminders of the change. 


6th grade Language Arts: Homework is not given on a daily basis.  However, if classwork is not finished during the period, it does become homework that is due back the next day.  

5th and 6th grade REACH Language Arts: Throughout the year, students will be working on their DEP with due dates scheduled monthly.  A letter will be sent home and will be posted on this website.  Students will also be assigned several essays, outside reading with an attached project, and assignments that relate to our novel studies.  Any updates will be written in our planner and posted on this website.

If there are any questions on classroom procedures and homework policy, please email me at . Thank you!