Human Brain Mapping

A non-invasive stimulus of the neurons in the brain of patients who have suffered from strokes


Hello, I am Maya Blasingame and I am a rising senior at Madison Country Day School! This summer I am interning at the Vivek Prabhakaran Lab at the Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research (WIMR) in the University of Wisconsin's Department of Radiology. Interning at this lab will give me the opportunity to expand my knowledge in an area of STEM that I am interested in pursuing in college and will also give me the experience of doing research and being in a setting that I have never been in before. In this blog you will find research conducted at the Prabhakaran Lab in regards to neuroimaging tools and discoveries these tools as utensils for the rehabilitation of stroke sufferers.

What happens during a stroke?

Video and Lesson by Vaibhav Goswami: