Microcystin Testing at Home

Along with sampling on the boat, I was given a testing kit to sample the amount of microcystin in the water from Lake Mendota right off my dock. This kit contained enough materials for doing around 20 individual tests. There tests happen on a weekly basis (I do it every Monday). Once I complete the test, I send my results back on a google form.


For this test there was a couple of steps I had to complete:

  1. Collect a water sample off my dock (each new test should be in the same spot)

  2. Transfer 1mL of the sample into a lysis vial containing dried lysis reagent. Shake for 2 mins. Rest for 8 mins.

  3. Add Reagent Paper to the lysis vial. Shake for 2 mins. Rest for 8 mins.

  4. Transfer the sample into a conical tube that contains dried reagents. Shake for 30 seconds.

  5. Insert test strip into conical tube. Incubate for 10 mins.

  6. Remove test strip and allow to dry and develop for 5 mins.

  7. Interpret the results.

Test Strip Examples

Interpret Test


From all the weekly tests, I acquired similar information with each new test: 0 ppb (parts per billion) of microcystin in the water by my house.