
In second grade our homework focus is on building reading skills and a love for reading.

We hope each child reads books of their choice and reads at least five days a week. There are several choices for how to read on the homework. You can talk with your child about how they'd like to complete the reading log each week.

Starting in October, I will provide ziplock bags of books for some students at their independent reading level. These texts help build fluency skills, and your child can choose which books to read. When your child is done, simply return the bag and I will refill it in a couple days and send home new books. If you feel your child could benefit from books sent home, let me know and I'll start a bag.

We will also offer optional math homework called Home Connections. You can make a decision as a family how much, if any, you'd like to complete. Although it is not graded, it is a way to practice math skills we've been working on and to show families what we've been learning.

All homework will be send home in the Friday Folder. It is due the following Thursday.

Copy of 2nd Grade Reading Homework