
School officially begins at 7:50 each morning. Students will enter the building when they arrive between 7:35 and 7:50. Students report to their classrooms right away. We will have breakfast and choice activities 7:35-7:55 each day which is called a "Soft Landing". Students may eat at home, bring breakfast or pick up a school breakfast.

School ends at 1:15pm on Mondays and 2:47pm on Tuesdays-Fridays.


Monday -

Tuesday -

Wednesday -

Friday -

Integrated Studies - We work hard to integrate our learning. When students are learning science and social studies, we also read, write and do math related to those themes. When you see "Integrated Studies" on the schedule, we might be doing reading, writing, science, social studies or a combination of those things depending on our focus.

Monday Schedule

7:35-7:55 Soft Landing

7:55 Morning Circle

8:15 Math

9:15 Recess

9:35 Snack and read aloud

9:50 Social Emotional Learning

10:15 Art

11:15 Number Corner

11:35 Lunch

12:05 Quiet time

12:20 Integrated Studies

1:00 Closing Circle

1:15 Dismissal

Tuesday-Friday Schedule

7:35-7:55 Soft Landing

7:55 Morning Circle

8:15 Math

9:30 Snack and read aloud (4K buddies on Thursdays)

9:50 Recess

10:17 Specials classes (On Tuesdays we have Integrated Studies 10:47-11:30)

11:17 Number Corner

11:35 Lunch

12:05 Quiet time

12:20 Reader's Workshop

1:30 Recess

1:50 Integrated Studies (Cricket Clubs every other Tuesday)

2:30 Closing Circle

2:47 Dismissal