2025 Year 12 Subject Selection

2025 Year 12 Subject Selection

This page provides resources to assist with the subject selection process for students entering Year 12 at St Mary MacKillop College. Students completing Year 12 in 2025 will be able to access a variety of subjects and pathways designed to provide each student with the maximum flexibility to meet his/her learning needs and to attain the certification most relevant to his future education and employment goals.

2025 will see Year 12 students participating in one of three possible Senior Certificate programs:

Students can also undertake a Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificate as part of your VCE / VCE VM / VPC, or School-Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT) as part of your VCE VM / VPC. The decisions made now can affect the directions a student might take after completing his/her secondary schooling so it is important to research each carefully.

Our Pathways Team will help you with your subject selections and make sure you have chosen subjects that will assist you in the direction you want to take in the future.

Proposed subjects need to be submitted in Web Preferences no later than Wednesday 12 June.

2024 Reflection

As a Year 11 student preparing to enter your final year of secondary education, it is appropriate to spend some time reflecting on your achievements to-date and the progress you have made towards attaining the learning goals you previously set for yourself.  

Future Directions

Future Directions

Deciding on a career pathway is not easy but there are several tools that support students in choosing subjects.

TAFE/University or Future Employment 

You may know the area you would like to study or work in. This will also inform your subject choices. Prerequisites are subjects that you need to have taken in order to be eligible for the course or job. Your entry to a course may not only require a certain ATAR score, but you also may need to have taken a specific subject like Mathematical Methods or Chemistry.

Research the courses that you may be interested in and look for any prerequisites that may be required in the Course Prerequisites for 2025 PDF below.

Course Prerequisites for 2026

2023 Year 12 VTAC Information 

Subject Selection Planning Sheet

Submitting your Subject Selections