COVID-19 Pandemic

Nursing Home Visit

Esplugues Del Llobregat, Spain. 2020

David Ramos/ Getty Images

Accessed through Country Living (11/20/21)

The coronavirus pandemic impacted hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. The photo gives one example of how different the world is due to the pandemic. A family has to visit their sick grandmother through a glass window. There is no more physical touch from a loved one due to the highly contagious and deadly virus. The window symbolizes life during the pandemic for many people because connecting with friends and family became less physical, especially given the access to technology. We interact with our loved ones through a screen, much like the glass window in the photograph. Although the pandemic brought a time of isolation for many, the photo hints at an opposite feeling. The gloved hands from outside the window connect with the grandmother’s hands, showing a sense of love and comfort. Although nothing can replace a comforting hug from a loved one, the family is still there for the grandmother and can show their support and faces even for just a few moments, imitating a sense of normalcy.

The Heroic Nurse

Jilin, China. 2020

Hector Retamal / AFP/Getty Image

Accessed through (11/20/21)

The coronavirus pandemic has stressed the hospital systems globally. There have been over 260 million cases of the coronavirus and more than 5 million deaths worldwide (Statnews). The nurse’s distressed face expresses the toll of the pandemic. The medical staff works tirelessly for hours to help patients, despite a shortage of medical equipment and hospital capacity. Witnessing deaths takes a considerable bearing on the mental health of first responders. Although medics are busy saving lives, they too need help, demonstrated by the comforting hug. The photo creates a sense of universality because of the masked faces; this moment of intense pain is a reality for many first responders and families during the pandemic. Unfortunately, many people can resonate with the deep sorrow and grief that the nurse feels, showing that humans can empathize with others and do not have to go through these overbearing emotions alone.