Black Lives Matter Movement

Black Lives Matter Protest

Portland, Oregon. 2020

Nathan Howard / Getty Images

Accessed through (11/20/21)

Howard captures protesters in Portland holding their fists in the air as they march past a graffiti sign with George Floyd’s last words: “I can’t breathe.” The gruesome death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, by a white police officer sparked global unrest against police brutality and racism. This issue has plagued the nation for decades, and George Floyd’s death and others have become a tipping point for many. How many more lives are needlessly lost before action is taken? The photograph exudes energy as a crowd of diverse people join together to support action against police brutality. The scene is colorful yet has a dark undertone, conveying a sense of diversity and grief. The sign plastered in the background has Geroge Floyd’s face and other Black victims of police brutality, such as Brenonna Taylor. Overall, the photograph conveys togetherness in the face of racial division.

Police Officer Kneels with BLM Protestors

NYC, New York. 2020

Craig Ruttle, AP

Accessed through (11/20/21)

In the photo, the Chief of Department of the New York City Police, Terence Monahan (center), kneels —hand in hand — in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Protestors. During a time of police brutality against minority groups, especially Black communities, there has been tension between law enforcement and minority communities. This photo is impactful because there are no divisions between the police officers and the protesters. The white male officer kneels in unity with the crowds, demonstrating compassion towards the Black Lives Matter movement. The photo conveys the message that once people put down their guards — namely their societal and racial biases — they could find more similarities than differences. The protestors (including the officer) unite over the belief that change needs to happen!