Presentation Format

You may choose one of two presentation formats: either a poster presentation, or a 10-12 minute talk. Presentations will take place over multiple weeks of the spring semester, during Biology Seminar.  Your audience will include younger students as well as supporters who may not know anything about biology, so your presentation should be geared for a general (but interested!) audience.


In each session of talks, 4 seniors will each give a 10-12 minute oral presentation (with slides), and take a couple of minutes afterwards for Q&A.  While most people find public speaking stressful, this kind of performance can feel like a major accomplishment in your life as a biology major.


In each 1-hour poster session, ~10 seniors will display their posters and be available for question-and-answer over the course of the Biology Seminar hour.  Poster sessions are highly interactive and feel much more casual than talks; they provide a chance to really engage in conversation about your work.  But: note that this option will require you to be “on” for the full hour of the seminar slot!  If you have never attended a poster session, you should check out Mac’s Summer Showcase during Mac Fest to get an idea of what these events feel like.