Social Events

Gathering at Capital Brewery in Middleton, August 2022. Photo credit ©agrabowmd

Are you ready to host a "pop-up" social event for your fellow LWV Dane County members?

What a great chance to catch up with old friends and meet new ones! Email Barb Feeney at to get started, including help finding a co-host.

The event will be promoted on our website calendar, in our weekly Enews, and/or in the monthly Bulletin when possible. We invite you to stop by the LWVDC office to pick up an "event bag" with buttons, name tags, and a table sign.

Meeting and Event VenuesThis database features some suggested venues for holding in-person events, either social, business, or both. Spaces can include public places (bars and restaurants), libraries and community rooms, and apartment or condo complexes at which a resident is willing to host. Some members may be willing to host meetings/events at home but these will not be listed in this spreadsheet.

Tips for Hosts

  • Co-hosting (with one or more fellow members) is recommended but not required. Include the name of the host(s) in the event announcement; someone might know y'all and be more likely to attend!

  • Hosts are responsible for making reservations; bringing beverages and food (if applicable); and contacting staff at to ask that the event be promoted.

  • LWVDC does not have funds to cover expenses, so the best options are free venues and activities, such as businesses where people order their own food and drink.

  • In some venues, you might want to set up a device to stream background music.

  • If outdoors, be sure you have a back-up plan for inclement weather (for example, encouraging members to check the website for updates)

  • Co-hosts and all League leaders (not just Board members) should make an effort to meet new members at these events. (You may discover a fun personal connectionsuch as a shared hobby or Wisconsin historyor help them figure out their place in our organization.)