Community Events and Activities Kits

Where will these Event Kits be used?

LWVDC may be present at events like the following (and hopefully many others!):

Who decides how the space is decorated?

All materials will be made available to the event lead/volunteer(s). Each event team can make their own decisions on what fits the space best and who we’re trying to reach. Have other ideas for how to make our space more eye-catching? Let’s talk! Want to bring some balloons? OK! (Just be sure to get purchase approval if reimbursement needed.) 

How do I reserve an Event Kit?

Email Kerry Helmer, Office Administrator, at to ask what's available and to reserve your supplies.

Office hours are 11 a.m. 3 p.m., Monday Thursday. Please be aware that office staff needs at least one full working day notice to fulfil requests (i.e., for weekend events, requests must be made before 3pm on Wednesday). 

What’s available in these Community Events and Activities Kits?

(Note: these materials are in addition to relevant voter outreach materials as decided by Voter Service Steering Cxommittee (VSSC)



INDIVIDUAL ITEMS TO RESERVE (optional depending on space)