For Parents

Tips for the First Day of School

The first day of school is so exciting, but it can also be nerve-racking for students! Students may be feeling anxious coming back to school after a long summer break or they may be starting at Willow for the first time. Whatever the case is, the below tips are sure to help!

  • Stick to a routine: Keep morning and bedtime routines. Structure provides a sense of security and clear expectations, especially as they start something new.

  • Make & practice a goodbye ritual: Plan ahead on how you and your student will say goodbye (i.e. hug, high five, secret handshake, etc.)

  • Practice together: Include the getting ready process and what the drop-off procedure is like. Read a book together about the transition to school, like The Kissing Hand, to help them prepare for separation

  • Pack a transitional object: Put a small, familiar object or family picture in their backpack as a reminder that they're loved and connected, even when you're apart

  • Show excitement: We are the best model for our kids. If you're excited, they will be too! Keep statements positive and optimistic. Replace statements like, "I'm really going to miss you" with "I can't wait to hear all about what you learn!"

  • Validate feelings: Change is hard, so let your student know whatever they are feeling is okay

  • Model a positive goodbye: After your goodbye ritual, give a big smile and let them get started. Even though it's hard, try not to linger or drag the goodbye process out.

Understanding Confidentiality

As an elementary school counselor, I ensure that every student and family understands and acknowledges the limits of confidentiality and the professional working student- and family-counselor relationship.

What students share in their one-on-one counseling sessions is privileged information with the exception of information that signals a safety concern, such as a student shares they want to hurt themselves, they want to hurt someone else, or someone is hurting them.

The 4th reason to not keep information private is if the student gives me permission to share with another trusting adult, whether it be someone at school or at home. With this consideration, it's important to note that I can share the skills and tools I have been using so that it can be reinforced at home and in the classroom. School counseling is all about creating safe spaces for kids to express themselves and grow.

LVUSD Elementary Counseling Mission Statement

The mission of the Las Virgenes Unified School District Elementary Counseling Program is to enhance student achievement through focus on academic, career and social/emotional development. We are dedicated toward educating the whole child and aspire to support students to reach their maximum potential in school and beyond; as responsible members of society and global citizens.