Arthur Edwin Wright 

Music Department

2023-24 Audition Information

Auditions may be in person at the A.E.Wright Music Room after school, or via zoom. Please email Mr. Pracher for a date and time. Please include answers to the following questions in your email. 

There are 3 things you need to prepare for the audition. The audition will only take about 5 minutes. 

PERFORMANCES BY DATE - Updated 11/18/23

10/6 - 8th grade Football Game night @CHS Stadium (7th graders may attend) 4pm - 10pm

10/25 - Open Rehearsal Concert @AEW (Beg. Strings and Beg. Band) 6pm

10/26 - Fall Concert (Band, Orchestra, Choir) 6pm

10/27 - 8th grade Football Game night @AHS Stadium (7th graders may attend) 4pm - 10pm
11/30 - Winter Bands Concert @ AHS PAEC (All Bands) 7pm-9pm

12/1 - Winter Choir and String Concert @ AHS PAEC (All Strings and Choir) 7pm - 9pm

2/1 - Lupin Hill/Round Meadow, Elementary School Recruitment Performances (Choir, Band, Orchestra) During the School Day. 

2/28 - CHS Orchestra Collaboration Concert (AEW Orchestra only)

2/29 - CHS Choir Collaboration Concert (AEW Choir and WAVE only)

3/7 - AHS Choir Collaboration Concert (AEW Choir and WAVE only)

3/13 - AHS Orchestra Collaboration Concert (AEW Orchesrtra only)

3/14 - AHS Band Collaboration Concert (AEW Wind Ensemble only)

3/15 - Showcase Concert @ AHS PAEC - (soloists, chamber groups, a capella) 

TBD March/April Newbury Park HS Jazz Festival and Westlake HS Jazz Festival ( Jazz Band only) TBD

TBD - Spring - Rhythm and Chews @AHS Quad (Jazz Ens. only) TBD
5/2 - Open House Performances - Spartan Stage @ AEW. 5pm. Jazz Band and Choir and WAVE

5/16- Spring Choir and Strings Concert, @ CHS PAEC (All Strings and Choir) 7pm

5/20 - Spring Bands Concert, @ CHS PAEC (All Bands) 7pm

6/1 - Disneyland Recording Session (Band, String Orchestra, and Returning Choir)  All Day

Listen and Watch our Band and Orchestra perform for Round Meadow Elementary School!  


Welcome to the official website for the A.E. Wright Instrumental Music Department.  Located in Calabasas, California, A.E.W. is one of three middle schools in the Las Virgenes Unified School district. Most students continue to Agoura High School or Calabasas High School after culmination. 

Join us to learn more about the benefits of music education and find out what universities say about music.  

Mr.  Pracher 

Instrumental and Choral Teacher

Contact Me:

Given all the fanfare students face when presented with choices on which courses to take in order to present themselves in the most favorable light for college admissions, music can be a pivotal contributor:

1. The College Board, the administrator of the SAT Test, identifies the arts (including music) as one of the 6 areas that students should study in order to succeed in college.

2. University admissions officers clearly state that students who participate in arts classes continually through high school have an advantage over students who do not when applying for high-end schools.

3. During the admissions process, colleges and universities look for students who “stand out” and who have something to offer to the campus. Music students who have played for at least 3 years in high school ensembles are automatically placed in this category (assuming they have met all other university entrance requirements).

4. Continuous enrollment in music is valued by colleges and universities much more highly than extra years of foreign language classes. Students having to choose between music and extra language classes at the Junior High level should ALWAYS choose music, according to admissions officers of several universities. Language requirements can be met in high school along with music classes.

5. Playing an instrument well can help a student get into a university if the student is willing to play in the university’s ensembles. The student does not have to be a music major to take advantage of this. All universities have to have enough musicians on each instrument to feature high-level performing groups. University band and orchestra directors will find a way for a talented student/musician to get into a school.

6. Having music on a student’s transcript all through high school shows that a student has developed skills in group work, multi-tasking, spatial reasoning, mathematics, leadership, community spirit, and many other areas. These types of skills cannot be found all together in any other class.

Sources: NAfME-National Association for Music Education “Why Music Education?” 2007 and School Music Matters

“The life of the arts, far from being an interruption, a distraction, in the life of the nation, is close to the center of a nation’s purpose – and is a test to the quality of a nation’s civilization.”

–John F. Kennedy

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”

-Friedrich Nietzsche

“Music education opens doors that help children pass from school into the world around them – a world of work, culture, intellectual activity, and human involvement. The future of our nation depends on providing our children with a complete education that includes music.”

Gerald Ford

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” 

- Plato

"This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before."    

 "Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable."

-Leonard Bernstein

Why Music?

Music is a science, 

Music is mathematical, 

Music is a foreign language, 

Music is history, 

Music is physical education, 

Music develops insight and demands research, 

Music is all of these things, but most of all...

 Music is Art. 

That is why we teach music: 

Not because we expect you to major in music, 

Not because we expect you play all your life, 

But so you will experience more humanity, 

So you will learn to recognize and create beauty, 

So you will be closer to an infinite beyond this world, 

So you will have more love, more compassion, more gentleness, more good,

In short… more life. 

Music Department Classroom Rules

Respect your fellow musicians, your equipment, and our rehearsal space.

No eating or drinking in the Music Room, only water.

No Running.

If it doesn’t belong to you, you must ask permission.

Your instrument never stays in the music room overnight, we practice everyday.

If you use a music stand, return the music stand.

If you use a chair, return the chair. 


Backpacks go under chairs.

Cases go in cubbies, not left on the floor. Tubas excepted. 

Daily inexpensive Maintenance prevents COSTLY repairs.

If you hear music playing in the room, you are listening to it, not talking over it.

1. Musical training helps develop language and reasoning: Students who have early musical training will develop the areas of the brain related to language and reasoning. The left side of the brain is better developed with music, and songs can help imprint information on young minds.

2. A mastery of memorization: Even when performing with sheet music, student musicians are constantly using their memory to perform. The skill of memorization can serve students well in education and beyond.

3. Students learn to improve their work: Learning music promotes craftsmanship, and students learn to want to create good work instead of mediocre work. This desire can be applied to all subjects of study.

4. Increased coordination: Students who practice with musical instruments can improve their hand-eye coordination. Just like playing sports, children can develop motor skills when playing music.

5. A sense of achievement: Learning to play pieces of music on a new instrument can be a challenging, but achievable goal. Students who master even the smallest goal in music will be able to feel proud of their achievement.

6. Kids stay engaged in school: An enjoyable subject like music can keep kids interested and engaged in school. Student musicians are likely to stay in school to achieve in other subjects.

7. Success in society: Music is the fabric of our society, and music can shape abilities and character. Students in band or orchestra are less likely to abuse substances over their lifetime. Musical education can greatly contribute to children’s intellectual development as well.

8. Emotional development: Students of music can be more emotionally developed, with empathy towards other cultures They also tend to have higher self esteem and are better at coping with anxiety.

9. Students learn pattern recognition: Children can develop their math and pattern-recognition skills with the help of musical education. Playing music offers repetition in a fun format.

10. Fine-tuned auditory skills: Musicians can better detect meaningful, information-bearing elements in sounds, like the emotional meaning in a baby’s cry. Students who practice music can have better auditory attention, and pick out predictable patterns from surrounding noise.

11. Music builds imagination and intellectual curiosity: Introducing music in the early childhood years can help foster a positive attitude toward learning and curiosity. Artistic education develops the whole brain and develops a child’s imagination.

12. Music can be relaxing: Students can fight stress by learning to play music. Soothing music is especially helpful in helping kids relax.

13. Musical instruments can teach discipline: Kids who learn to play an instrument can learn a valuable lesson in discipline. They will have to set time aside to practice and rise to the challenge of learning with discipline to master playing their instrument.

14. Preparation for the creative economy: Investing in creative education can prepare students for the 21st century workforce. The new economy has created more artistic careers, and these jobs may grow faster than others in the future.

15. Development in creative thinking: Kids who study the arts can learn to think creatively. This kind of education can help them solve problems by thinking outside the box and realizing that there may be more than one right answer.

16. Music can develop spatial intelligence: Students who study music can improve the development of spatial intelligence, which allows them to perceive the world accurately and form mental pictures. Spatial intelligence is helpful for advanced mathematics and more.

17. Kids can learn teamwork: Many musical education programs require teamwork as part of a band or orchestra. In these groups, students will learn how to work together and build camaraderie.

18. Responsible risk-taking: Performing a musical piece can bring fear and anxiety. Doing so teaches kids how to take risks and deal with fear, which will help them become successful and reach their potential.

19. Better self-confidence: With encouragement from teachers and parents, students playing a musical instrument can build pride and confidence. Musical education is also likely to develop better communication for students.