Student Contract

Below is a copy of the student contract that was sent home and signed at the beginning of the school year.

Dear Families,

Welcome to a great year. We can all look forward to an exciting and rewarding one! For the educational process to be successful a communication triangle of student/parent/teacher is needed. I am asking for your support and encourage open communication. To ensure that you know what is going on in the classroom I will ask for things to be signed and returned to school on a frequent basis. In turn, feel free to contact me. The best way to contact me is through email. I will make every effort to respond to your email within two school days. A supportive and communicative environment will enable your child to have a secure and successful year.

To enhance the learning atmosphere I have developed a classroom management plan that all students are expected to participate in and follow. Student responsibilities are:

  • I will complete all assignments.
  • I will always do my best. Effort=Success
  • I will follow class procedures.
  • I will demonstrate attentive listening and mutual respect.
  • I will be a positive community member.

My responsibilities as a teacher are:

  • I will treat students with care and respect.
  • I will provide students with an orderly classroom.
  • I will provide a positive, secure environment.
  • I will provide a motivational, interesting, engaging, and challenging


If a student chooses to break a rule the consequences are:

  • 1st time-Warning.
  • 2nd time-Teacher’s choice: the consequence will appropriately fit the

student’s action.

  • 3rd time-A "Refocus Form” will be completed and sent home for discussion and a

parent/guardian signature.

  • 4th time-A Refocus Form will be sent home in addition to direct parent contact

from the teacher.

  • If a child puts other people in danger, touches another child inappropriately or intentionally injures another child, they will discuss it with the principal.

To encourage students to follow the rules I reinforce positive behavior through:

  • Praise and encouragement
  • Placing items on the class paper clip chain which leads to class rewards such as earned free times
  • An interesting and enjoyable class

All of the rules have been discussed in class; however, I would appreciate it if you also review the plan at home. Remember, in helping your child to learn and grow, you are my most important ally. I look forward to getting to know you and your child!

Organization is key to success in school and beyond. It is very important that students’ notebooks and desks are organized. I ask that there be NO loose papers in either. Every paper will have a designated place for safekeeping. Desks should be neat and in order. Students are responsible for having these notebooks in class each day; however, they are welcome to take them home to aide in homework and test prep.

All students should have a folder that is labeled “Independent Practice. This is a homework folder. This folder should come back and forth each day and should be emptied of extra papers or “junk mail.” Please check this folder daily.

Academic Expectations

  1. Assignments should be neat and organized.
  2. Thought, effort and time should be put into every assignment/project. Always do your best. Effort=Success.
  3. Due dates will be strictly followed.
  4. Independent Practice (Homework) is due on a daily basis, the amount will vary, and is very important to success in class. (Homework will not be listed on the class website, as assignments may change on a daily basis due to the students’ level of understanding each day). Students are expected to record the homework during class, making sure it’s copied legibly.

Being organized keeps you one step ahead. Doing your best and enjoying learning is the key to a successful year. I look forward to taking this journey with you.