ACER Tips & Troubleshooting

The Parent Guide to Student Use of ACERS


Cyber safety is an important parent-child discussion to revisit frequently. Experts warn that children are most vulnerable to online dangers while in their own home. The following suggestions are drawn from a wide variety of professional sources that may aid you in effectively guiding your child’s use of the iPad and other technology devices.

Set Expectations

Regularly share your expectations with your child about accessing only appropriate sites and content, as well as being a good person when online (even when parents aren't watching). Outside of school, it is likely that your child has already been confronted with multiple opportunities to access content that parents wouldn’t approve. Understand that your child's use of many technologies (such as iPods, video game systems, and cell phones) likely gives your child the ability to connect to unfiltered public wireless networks (such as in a library or coffee shop, by picking up a neighbor’s wireless signal, or connecting to the Internet through a cell service). Therefore, it is important to maintain regular, open dialog about Internet use and access. Discuss your expectation for appropriate use and behavior.

Monitor & Limit Screen Time

Experts suggest having children surf the Internet in a central place at home, such as the kitchen or family room, rather than away from adult supervision or behind a closed door. Know what your child is doing with technology and how his or her time is being spent. Technology can be a great tool and resource, but also has the potential to be a big distractor. Help your child learn to focus on completing tasks or assignments first before spending time on games and social networking. Teaching today’s children how to manage multiple sources of information and potential distractions is a critical life skill.

Put the ACER to bed, but not in the bedroom

Parenting experts suggest parking all technology devices, from cell phones to iPads, in a common spot overnight to discourage late night, unmonitored use and sleep disruption.


If the trackpad Freezes:

Hit: CTR FN F7 at the same time and hold for 3 seconds

Or hit:

FN F7 at the same time, release, then hit it again.

***If the computer freezes often, the keyboard freezes often, etc. - students need to reset their computers to factory settings. This is okay. All documents and important information SHOULD be saved in Google Chrome/classroom/docs.

Factory Reset Instructions:

  1. Press silver shut down button
  2. press silver power button to turn on
  3. Press Esc (click within 3 seconds)
  4. Type 1 or 2
  5. Press 2
  6. click yes