Math Department Policy

Assignments and Exams

Homework and other assignments reinforce principles, skills, concepts, and information taught in the classroom. The following is the Mathematics Department Policy regarding homework and make-up work.

  • Students are responsible to check their teacher’s web page for homework assignments, due dates, and exam dates.
  • Students who are absent should refer to the class web page for notes and homework assignments.
  • For chapter and unit tests please refer to the syllabus for your individual teacher.


Attendance is imperative. Students with habitual absences and tardies will suffer academically. Some instruction is available only in class lectures, discussion, and group activities. Missed explanations are lost learning opportunities. Students who are absent are expected to check the class web page and get notes from other students and/or the teacher. Students who are absent on a test day are expected to take the exam upon returning to class. Extenuating circumstances will be considered on an individual basis. Students who do not have excused absences will receive a score of zero on an exam.

Academic Honesty

Students, parents/guardians, staff and administrators shall be responsible for creating and maintaining a positive school climate that encourages honesty. Students found to have committed an act of academic dishonesty shall be subject to district and school-site discipline rules. Violations include but are not limited to the following:

* Plagiarism

* Copying of daily homework

* Copying of daily classroom assignments

* Cheating on classroom tests, quizzes, major projects

* Fabrication/Falsification

* Theft or alteration of materials or equipment

* Forgery

* Unauthorized collaboration

* Long term homework assignments