California Scholarship Federation

CSF Applications will be accepted 


Fall 2024 Membership Must be RECEIVED by Tuesday Sept 17.

 Spring 2025 Membership Must be RECEIVED by Wednesday Feb 19.

*Late applications will not be accepted. 

*Students must apply each semester. 

*Membership is not automatic. 

*Membership is not retroactive. 

**For Fall 2024 membership please submit your application, June 2024 grades.

**For Spring 2025 membership please submit your application, Jan 2025 grades, and  lifetime membership  form (mandatory for Seniors only) to

Ms. Andrea Camacho 

in Room X204

Upon review of your application and received materials, Ms. Camacho will send a confirmation email with the status of your application. 

** Seniors MUST apply for lifetime membership at this time in addition to sending their grades and application membership. See below.

Aeries printouts WILL be accepted. Aeries printouts must include your name. Unofficial transcripts will also be accepted.


 Make your donation at the CHS Webstore

***In addition to the membership application, seniors need to apply for lifetime membership status in SPRING in order to qualify for CSF recognition at Senior Awards Night and Graduation.***

This distinction is not automatic.  You must apply!!!

 Criteria for obtaining Lifetime Membership status:



Founded in 1921, the California Scholarship Federation is the oldest scholastic, scholarship institution in the state of California. CSF emphasizes high standards of scholarship, and community service for California high school students. CSF encourages service to the school and the community while fostering pride in academic scholastic achievement. One of the functions of CSF has been to recognize academic accomplishments of students. As a result, seniors that are members four or more semesters in the last three years of high school are given the CSF Gold Seal on their diplomas and transcripts. Qualifying seniors are also given gold cords and a lamp pin to wear at graduation as well as a Lifetime Membership Certificate.

During your four years of high school, you will have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of curricular and extra-curricular activities. Freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors are encouraged to apply for membership in CSF. All freshmen may apply second semester based on their first semester grades. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors who meet the grade requirements based on the report card from previous semester are eligible. Membership leads to consideration for the esteemed graduation honor of being a Calabasas High School CSF Gold Sealbearer. 

Membership for the current semester is neither automatic nor retroactive. You must apply each semester. Membership is for one semester only.

Membership will be granted if students earned 10 or more CSF points on their previous semester’s report card. 

Each “A” is worth 3 points, each “B” is worth 1 point, and an “A” in an honors or AP class is worth 4 points and a “B” is worth 2 points. Students may use a maximum of 2 honors points per semester. “C” grades earn no points as well as physical education, classes taken in lieu of physical education, aide positions, lab assistant, or repeated courses. Dance II may be used in List III. Students may only use 5 classes to account for their 10 points. 

A student must have taken a minimum of three courses from LISTS I and II; at least two of these three courses must be from LIST I only. (However, seniors applying at the start of their second semester or at graduation may use three courses from LIST II and none from LIST I.) Additional courses may be taken from any LIST, including LIST III. A student is limited to a maximum of 5 courses for the computation of CSF eligibility.

To warrant eligibility for semester membership, a student must earn a minimum of 10 CSF points. Of these 10 points, 7 points MUST be earned in courses from LISTS I and II, while the remaining 3 points MAY be earned in courses from any LISTS (I, II, or III). Of the 7 points required from LIST I/II courses, at least 4 points MUST be earned in LIST I courses alone (except for senior applicants as stated above).

 LIST I consists of core academic classes. LIST II consists of other academic classes. LIST III consists of other classes and electives.

 Any students with “D” or “F” grades are ineligible. 

 Summer school courses and online courses may NOT be used in determining CSF eligibility. 

Courses taken under the auspices of a college may earn points. the college course must be a part of the students 'normal class load' at your school. A student who takes an evening or weekend course at the local community college, without the high school's knowledge or approval, cannot count the course toward CSF. Check with the CSF advisor.

If you have any questions, contact Ms. Camacho in room X204.