Student and Family Instructional Resources
School Contact Information:
Earl Lawson - (913) 684-1570
Anthony Elementary - (913) 684-1500
David Brewer Elementary - (913) 684-1490
Henry Leavenworth Elementary - (913) 684-1470
Richard Warren (Intermediate and Middle Schools) - (913) 684-1530
Leavenworth High School - (913) 684-1550
Nettie/3rd Avenue - (913) 684-1450
District Office and Special Education - (913) 684-1400
Welcome to the Instructional Resources and Technology Site
Within our Student and Family Site, visitors are able to access the following using the links at the top of the page:
Descriptions/titles of core instructional resources
Family Guides to Kansas Standards
Direct links to the public vendor materials for core resources
Directions on how students can access their core materials at home
Information regarding general instructional technology resources used in Leavenworth Public Schools
Information on core materials currently under consideration for district adoption
Additional pages related to Assessment, Learning Applications, Individual Plans of Study, and other pertinent areas
If you have a question related to the material being used in class, we encourage parents/guardians and family members to first contact their child's teacher and/or the front office of their school.
If you are a parent/guardian or community member who would like to review a specific district adopted core resource/text beyond what is posted on this site, please consider the following steps:
Contact your child's teacher (if applicable)
Contact your school's front office and building principal (contact information to your left)
If needed, please complete this GOOGLE FORM and a Teaching and Learning Administrator will follow up with you on your request (separate from the Policy IF Request for Review Form process and document described below)
Policy IF: USD 453 Request for Review of a Textbook, Instructional Material, or Media Center Material
USD 453 Policy Information and Policy IF Request for Review Form provide more information on the challenge process if a concern with materials exists and is unresolved
Please note that the material on this site is either available to the public directly from our curricular resource partners or through each individual student's license as rostered by Google/Clever (directions on how to access digital content with your child are included on the individual pages linked at the top of this site). This is in an effort to make curricular resources transparent while also adhering to potential copyright of the material.