TVTIP Participating Teachers may earn 4 graduate-level professional development credits for $200 for each year in the program.
Steps for Applying:
Upon completion of Induction Year:
Complete Registration and submit $200 payment
Course Titles:
Year One TVTIP: “BTSA I”, P EDU 9247
Year Two TVTIP: “BTSA II”, P EDU 9248
Upon receipt of Registration Form, Courses4Teachers will send a Confirmation Email
If not received in 48 hours, please notify Courses4Teachers at
Once Induction completion has been verified, an unofficial transcript from the University of the Pacific will be sent (allow 6-8 weeks processing time)
After you have received an unofficial transcript, an official transcript may then be ordered for a fee via the UOP website (processing time depends on shipping option selected)
Questions? Please contact Alyssa Lopez at or 925-606-3278