Making your Course Selections

9th Grade Course Selection Sheet 2025-2026 LHS.pdf

9th Grade Course Selection Sheet

The course selection sheet is structured to guide you through all the decisions that will need to be made to register for the appropriate classes.

The physical layout of our Expo will mirror this structure, allowing you to  ask questions in the order that they appear on your course selection sheet.

The online registration portal also mirrors the flow of the course selection sheet.

Using the Course Selection Sheet: Making Informed Decisions

The Course Selection Sheet is designed to simplify the registration process. Students are encouraged to go record their decisions on their course selection sheet so that when they officially register for courses online, all of the decisions are already made. Remember, you can use the 2025-2026 Course Catalog to review course descriptions, and you can speak to our teachers and staff directly at our Expo on February 12th to ask questions needed to make an informed decision. 

1. Social Science - Required Course - Students will choose between taking Social Science 9 and Health (two, single semester courses and graduation requirements) OR taking AP Human Geography A and B (which meets the 9th grade Social Science graduation requirement.)

2. English - Required Course - Students will choose between taking English 9 A/B, or Honors English 9 A/B. Honors English is more rigorous and has a larger out-of-class time demand. 

3. Math - Required Course - All students are initially registered for Algebra 1 automatically. You will not need to make any decisions for Math because all incoming Freshman are placed into the appropriate Math course based on the recommendations that LHS receives from our feeder Middle School. LHS receives math recommendations in May. If you have more questions about how Middle Schools make their recommendations, please reach out to your Middle Schools Academic Counselor.

4. Physical Education - Required Course - All students are registered for PE 1A/B. PE is a required course for graduation for all Freshman and Sophomores. During students' sophomore year, however, students who participate on an LHS athletic team during their 10th grade year are eligible for a CIF Sports Waiver to earn 10th grade PE credit in lieu of taking PE 2A/B as a course. Doing so opens a slot in their 10th grade schedule to take an additional elective course. 

5. Science - Required Course - All students are initially registered for Conceptual Physics. LHS manually adjusts a students Science course once we receive Math recommendations. Conceptual Physics and Algebra 1 are taken concurrently. Completion of Algebra 1 is a prerequisite to take Biology, and 9th grade students who are placed into Geometry or above have their Science course updated from Conceptual Physics to Biology. Students who wish to participate in FFA should select an Agriculture Science course. 

6. Elective - One Elective choice Required - This is perhaps where a students most difficult decision where be. Students and Parents should review the LHS 4 Year plan and consider what the post high school academic goals of the student are. 

A and B Periods

A Period - Optional - Signing up for an "A" period is a commitment to begin school at 7:17 am four days per week for the duration of the school year. Enrollment in an "A" period is not required. PE and Core, required courses will likely be the only "A" period course available, but it will allow room in a student's schedule to take an additional CTE, VAPA, WL, or Elective course. 

B Period - Optional - Students interested in participating in theatre productions and performances are able to sign up for a B period course. Signing up for B period is a commitment to attend class from 3:12-4:23 four days a week. Theatre Production courses are the only anticipated B Period Offerings.