About the Teacher

My name is Mrs. Wafler, and I am excited to be your teacher this year. I hope you had a great summer! I sure did. I spent most of my summer playing with my 3 dogs. I went camping and spent time fixing-up my new camper. I ended the summer with a visit from my nephews.

I grew up in Arizona and moved to California in 2005. This is my 13th year teaching in Livermore. I have taught 5th grade both in California and Arizona. In addition to having two degrees in education, and I am a Level 1 Google Educator.I love being a teacher at Lawrence Elementary School because the students and teachers are wonderful.

I LOVE animals! My favorite animal is a dog. Maybe that is why I have so many. I really love their companionship and their ability to make a person feel better, even when they are having a rough day. I enjoy playing ball with my dogs and going for walks. I even take my dog, Remi, to training classes. She has earned her CGC title. CGC stands for Canine Good Citizen. I am so proud of her.

I HATE birds! They scare me to death. Last summer, a blue jay dive-bombed me in my back yard. I screamed so loud that my husband thought I had hurt myself. I ran inside and refused to go outside again until it was gone.

I addition to playing with my dogs, I love to craft. I like to refinish furniture, sew, and make jewelry. This summer, I refinished two cabinets. I have also refinished two dressers, two nightstands, and my dining room table. I have sewn many dresses and quilts. I even made my own jewelry for my wedding.