
Benefits of Sleep
Sleep is a critical and often under-appreciated aspect of well-being affecting academics, behavior, and emotional health. Proper sleep is associated with better health, attention, learning, memory, and quality of life, making it a critical performance enhancer. Conversely, a lack of sleep is associated with deficits in these capacities as well adverse physical health. Both the hours and quality of sleep are important in maintaining vitality. 

To help determine your quality of sleep, ask yourself the following:

Recommended Hours of Sleep
The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine recommends the following sleep durations:

Health Effects of Sleep Deprivation
Not getting enough sleep, or sleep deprivation, can adversely affect mental and physical health. Mentally, a lack of sleep can affect a your mood, leading to possible:

Developmental Sleep Considerations

Tips for healthy sleep!

Adapted from CDC.GOV, NASP, LVJUSD | 2020

Disclaimer: The links below are purely for educational and entertainment purposes and are not intended as psychological interventions or as a substitute for psychological treatment. If you are in need of psychological help you should seek the consultation of a licensed mental health professional.